Episode 22 Chapter 40

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Cassie was dead asleep in her room. The other day after her and Lottie's conversation, she fell asleep an hour later. It was currently the afternoon, and she was still sleeping. The rest of her family figured they'd just let her sleep since she was out the whole day yesterday.

Cassie had finally awoken from her slumber. Her body was now full of energy. She sat up in her bed, stretching out her arms as she yawned. She got out of bed and did her normal morning routine, plus a shower.

As she was drying her hair, she heard her phone getting a text notification. She walked over to her nightstand and picked up her phone. She saw that the text was from Lydia and swiped on it to see what it was.

Aiden and I found Stiles. Meet at Scott's house.

Her eyes scanned the text message. Once she read it, she hurriedly put her phone down and got ready. She changed into a pair of dark denim jeans and placed a black and white knit cardigan over her shoulders. She brushed her hair out then left it down un-styled. Once she was ready, she gathered all her things and went out.


"Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital," Melissa said with some shakiness in her voice.

"Mom, remember what happened the last time he went to the hospital?"

Deaton separated the slit in Stiles' shirt, revealing a deep stab wound on his lower torso. He examined the wound, realizing it looked as if it were healing.

"It doesn't look like he's bleeding. I think he might even be healing," Deaton said.

"You mean, healing like we heal?" Aiden questioned.

"That's a good thing, right?" Cassie spoke.

"For him, yes. Us? I'm not so sure."

"Okay, so then, what do we do?" Scott asked. "Do we just let him heal?"

"I think we should kill him," Aiden suggested, gaining everyone's attention. Everyone looked at him in disbelief, thinking he was stupid for even suggesting the idea.

"We're not killing him," Scott denied.

"I'm just saying, if him healing is bad for us, why not just get it over with and kill him?"

"If we're gonna kill him, then you're next," Cassie threatened.

Aiden sighed. "Alright, fine. But if we're not gonna kill him, we should at least tie him down with really big chains."

"I might have something more effective," Deaton said, reaching into his briefcase. He pulled out a small, glass bottle with a substance inside.

The two boys stepped up first, already knowing what Deaton wanted them to do. Scott held Stiles' face while Aiden opened his mouth. Deaton opened the bottle. He used the top to suck the substance inside the clear tube. He stepped forward and put the whole tube of liquid in Stiles' mouth.

Void woke up almost immediately after feeling the liquid go down his throat. He grabbed Aiden and started to choke him with one hand. He started to grin mischievously at how the omega was losing the ability to breathe.

"Get him off of me," Aiden strained.

Scott managed to take Void's hand off. They all backed away in fear that he would do something else. Void felt himself loss the feeling of his muscles from the neck down. He looked at his hand, which was uncontrollably shaking, before it fell down to his side.

"Kanima venom. Nice touch," he commented. Aiden walked up to him once he was paralyzed and growled at him ferociously. "You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain? You didn't lose that talent too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You're gonna need it."

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now