Episode 10 Chapter 65

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"Miss Williams, wait!"

Cassie turned around and saw a man in Eichen House worker uniform jogging towards her. She glanced back at her to the flashing ambulances before looking back at him.

"Please do not press charges," he begged.

"You come all this way just to tell me to not press charges?" she asked in disbelief.

He nodded. "If you press charges, Eichen House might shut down, and there's a lot of people here who need to be taken care of properly."

"I seriously doubt that considering your head orderly has been murdering patients."

"Just-just... is there anything we can do for you? Do you have any bills here that are needed to be paid?"

"Well, no, but..."

"As for you, Mr. Stilinski, how about you come back with payment in full? That's right. Daddy may be the sheriff, but he's running late with the bills. I guess those government jobs aren't as reliable as they used to be."

She sighed, deciding to just give in. Even though her and Stiles were supposed to be 'strangers', she couldn't just let him and Noah suffer in debt.

"I want you to relieve Noah Stilinski's bills for Eichen House."

"Um, okay, is that all?"

She started to think again. Then it clicked in her mind. Melissa was running behind on her bills.

"I also want half a million dollars."

He sputtered. "H-half a million? That's absurd! I can relieve the sheriff's bills, but not this."

"Well, that's too bad because I want to you do both," she replied. "Now, you either give me what I want, or I will press charges."

She wasn't actually going to press charges. It was just an empty threat, so he could do what she wanted.

He huffed. "Fine. I will relieve the sheriff's bills to Eichen House and give you half a million dollars."

She smiled triumphantly. "Make sure to address the check to Melissa McCall. Oh, and please make everything anonymous," she instructed. "Are we done here?"

He grumbled, starting to regret ever coming up to her. "We're done here."

"Thank you."

She turned away from him and started walking to the ambulances. She stood next to Lydia who was sitting on the edge of the vehicle.


"Melissa, I'm fine. Really, I am."

"Cassie, you hit your head three times."

"But it doesn't even hurt that much anymore," Cassie tried to reason.

"You have a concussion, Cassie. Lie back down. The doctor said you're not leaving without a CT scan."

Cassie sighed, unhappy that thanks to her recklessness, Melissa had to deal with more bills. Cassie stayed quiet as she just accepted defeat and went back to the hospital bed. Melissa smiled sweetly at her before beginning to leave the room.

"Wait, Melissa?" The woman turned back to her. "Thank you for taking me in even though you didn't have to."

Her smile turned softer. "You're welcome, Cassie. Now get some rest."

She nodded, laying down on the bed and bringing her knees up to her chest. Melissa exited out the room, closing the door behind her.


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