Episode 15 Chapter 28

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"Hey, dude. Good decision, buddy. Good alpha decision," Stiles praised, patting Scott on the chest.

"I hope so."

"No, you know so."

The dynamic duo stopped at Stiles' locker for him to gather his things. Scott spotted a certain Japanese girl from across the hall. He gazed at her while she gathered her things from the floor after dropping them. Stiles noticed.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, already knowing the answer.


"You. You looking at her?"

"...Her? Who her?"

"Her her. Kira. You like her?"

"No," he replied a little too quickly. "I mean- uh... yeah, yeah, she's okay. She's new."

"So, ask her out," Stiles advised.


"Yes, now."

"Right now?"

"Right now. Scott, I don't think you get it yet. You're an alpha. You're the apex predator. Everyone wants you. You're like the hot girl that every guy wants."

"The hot girl?" The alpha questioned.

"What?" Issaac muttered to himself, joining in on the conversation.

"You are the hottest girl," Stiles confirmed before walking away to find Cassie.

"I'm the hot girl," Scott repeated, staring off into space.

"Yes you are," Issaac agreed, confused but supportive.

Stiles quickly found Cassie at her locker. He hugged her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. She didn't even bother looking back at vim, already knowing it was Stiles that was behind her. He rested his head on her shoulder and furrowed his brows when he felt the material under his chin. He pulled back and turned Cassie around to face him. Cassie squealed, not exactly knowing or expecting for him to do that.

"What are you doing?" She asked as his eyes and hands trailed over her outfit.

"Hopefully, you, in a few minutes," he replied, earning a light shove to his shoulder from Cassie.

"Hahah, very funny," she said, rolling her eyes at him playfully.

"So," he began. "Any reason why you look hotter than usual?"

She cocked her head to the side. "Should I be offended?"

"Just answer the question."

"Okay, well, since you're being so bossy, I am going to take that as offense," she commented. "Anyways, this is my Halloween costume. Lottie bribed me with fifty bucks to wear this to school. You like?"

He nodded, not taking his eyes off her body. "I think I like it a bit too much."

"Ew, gross," she said, slightly smiling before turning back around to her locker.

Stiles wrapped his arms around her waist again and rested his head on her shoulder. He admired her as she searched through her locker for her textbooks. She could feel his long eyelashes moving up and down on her neck. She took out her biology and economics textbooks before shutting her locker door. Stiles backed up so she could turn back around to him. He grabbed the hand that wasn't carrying her books and interlaced them.

"We have economics with Coach together, right?" He questioned.

She nodded. "Yeah, why?" He grinned mischievously. "Oh no, what did you do?"

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