Episode 11 Chapter 18

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"I don't believe it," Lydia said. "Scott can't be with them."

"You didn't see the look on his face though. It was..."

"Then what can I do?" Lydia asked. "I mean, I get that I'm a banshee or whatever, but I don't know how to turn it on and off yet. All I know is that she tried to kill me because of..."

The couple looked up at her when she trailed off.

"Because of what, Lyds?"

"When she said I was a banshee. She was surprised by it," she answered. "What if that's not why she tried to kill me?"

"Then why did she?"

"That's what we need to find out."


The three were now at the school. They agreed that they would try and search for answers there first.

"Aiden isn't texting me back," Lydia announced.

"Hey, how about we check Morrell's office? She could have some clues there," Cassie suggested.

"Yeah, great. So, we head over there now and-"

The strawberry blonde's sentence was cut off by Stiles' phone buzzing, signaling that he had a text message. He fished it out of his pocket and opened the text message. Cassie noticed the look on his face, knowing that something must've gone wrong.

"What? What happened?" Cassie questioned.

"It's from Issaac. Jennifer, she took... she has Allison's father. She took him. She's got all three now."

Cassie scanned him. His hands started shaking and his eyes started to tear up. She knew that look a little too well.

"Hey, Lyds, can you uh... can you give us a minute?"

"Yeah, sure. Yeah." The strawberry-blonde walked away, still glancing at them to make sure they were okay.

"Stiles, hey. Look at me. It's gonna be okay, alright?"

He started panting. "I-I think I'm having a panic attack."

"I know. Let's just um... we need to go to the boys' locker room, okay? Come on."

She wrapped his arm around her shoulders, supporting him as they made their way to the locker room. Once they had made it, Stiles collapsed onto the floor. He pressed his back against a row of lockers. He struggled to breathe; his forehead coated in sweat.

"Cass, I... I can't breathe."

"I know. It's gonna be okay, Stiles. Hey, hey, look at me. Hey." She turned his head for him to face her. "What are five things that you can see?"


"Answer the question. What are five things you can see?"

"I uh... I..." he stammered. "You, w-windows, the lockers, that trashcan over there, clothes?"

"Okay, good. Now, what are four things you can hear?"

"Um... your voice, um... my voice, the birds outside, the other students talking, the clicking from your zipper on your shoes."

"Good, good. You're doing great, Stiles," she praised. "What are three things you can touch?"

"Uh... the-the floor, your hands, the lockers."

She nodded. "Okay... what are two things you can smell?"

"Your uh... your perfume and my cologne."

"What is one thing you can taste?"

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