Episode 20 Chapter 37

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"Cassie! Hey! Cassie! Wake up!"

Cassie woke up, her vision still slightly blurry and her eye lids still a bit heavy. Once the blur went away, she saw that the person who woke her up was Malia.

The were-coyote sighed in relief. "Thank god, you're awake. I thought I was going to have to slap you."

"Where's Stiles?" she asked groggily.

"He's in the room across from you. He's still asleep since I woke you up first," she replied. "By the way, I think I found another way into the basement."

Cassie nodded, still feeling a bit drowsy but having some energy back. "Okay, let's go wake up Stiles and get to the basement."

Malia helped Cassie get up from the floor. Malia broke the lock on Stiles' door with her supernatural strength. They went into the room where Stiles was sleeping on the floor not so peacefully. Cassie could just tell he was having a nightmare. She crouched down to him and lifted him up slightly.

"Stiles! Wake up! It's me, Cassie!"

She began to shake him gently, hoping he would awaken. He woke up, screaming the word 'no' multiple times.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shhh, it's okay. It's okay; it's just me, Stiles," she comforted.

Her gentle tone made him calm down after seeing that it was her. Stiles gazed at her with eyes full of love and comfort as her head was turned back to Malia. Cassie turned back to him and met with his eyes.

"Okay, Malia said she found another way to get inside the basement."

Malia nodded. "It's through the closed unit. Where they keep the real psychos."

The two girls helped Stiles get up off the floor. Malia went out first to make sure there were no guards around. Cassie took Stiles' hand in hers. She looked back at him and gave him a small, comforting smile. She interlaced their hands before pulling him along with her to follow Malia.


Malia volunteered to stand on guard, so that Stiles and Cassie could search for things on the nogitsune. Stiles looked around as if he had been there before. Cassie knew he was feeling a sense of familiarity just by the look on his face.

"Have you been here before?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah. Remember that night I went missing and I thought I was trapped in the basement? It was this basement."

Cassie nodded. "So, what exactly are we looking for?"

Stiles' eyes were locked onto a backwards five symbol on the wall. "Something to do with that."

The couple walked towards it to examine the symbol a bit more. Cassie's hand traced it, feeling the bumps and dents.

"Self," she muttered. "Well, we should probably start looking around for things."

"Yeah." Stiles' eyes trailed over to a box full of what looked like papers. He tapped on Cassie's shoulders to gain her attention. "Let's start with that."


Cassie flipped through the papers that had photos of x-rays of skulls that had a hole drilled into it. She threw the stack of papers to the floor when she saw an actual skull that had been drilled into.

"I can't believe they actually did this to people. This is just sick," she spoke. "Was this the thing Oliver was talking about? The putting holes into people's head with drills?"

"Yeah, it's called trepanation," Stiles replied.

"Wow, no wonder why they don't want people down here."

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