Episode 5 Chapter 58

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Cassie, Scott, Kira, and Stiles all sat on the bench, trying to find the killer player that was assumed to be on the team.

"Shouldn't we do something now?" Kira asked, turning to Scott and Cassie.

"I mean, we can't. We're still not very sure it's him," Scott replied. "And if we're wrong, the real assassin gets away with it."

Cassie looked over to where Kira was. She saw her fidgeting with her fingers as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"Nervous?" she asked.

"About someone trying to kill us or about playing my first game?"

The witch shrugged. "Both?"

Kira looked up at her, seeing the lacrosse players from Devenford Prep pass by them. She gulped, definitely knowing her answer.

"Definitely both."

"Let's go! Let's go! Come on!" Coach shouted, making all three of them stand up from the bench.

Cassie and Kira both glanced at each other nervously before putting their helmets on. Just before she could go out onto the field, she felt Stiles pull her back and turn her to him.

"Did the thing with Derek earlier work? Can you do spells again?"

She shook her head. "Nope, but he taught me some combat moves, so that's something."

He nodded. "Are you sure you still want to go out there?"

"Stilinski! Williams! Let's go!"

"Come on, it's coach. I don't think I have a choice."

Before he could say another word, she ran out onto the field. He sighed before putting on his helmet and following after her.


The score was one to zero. Devenford had already earned a point.

"Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?" Kira asked between pants.

"Because Stiles is actually playing on the field," Cassie replied. She felt Stiles' glare towards her and shrugged. "Sorry."

"Kira, Cassie, you guys keep an eye on Garratt. I'll watch out for Liam," Scott said before running off.

The girls nodded. They turned to look at each other, communicating with a single nod, before going off to find where Garratt was.

Stiles looked around him, seeing that he was left alone. "Yeah, I'm just gonna try to play lacrosse... alright."

Cassie crouched behind Garratt while Kira crouched in front. The whistle then blew, causing everyone to start sprinting. Kira and Cassie both discreetly followed Garratt as well as try to play the game.

Brett, who was on Devenford, launched the ball into the net of the goal post within less than a minute, scoring another point for his school.

Cassie stopped, hearing the scoreboard buzz loudly and changing the score to two to zero. She looked over to where Garratt was and saw him gripping his lacrosse stick rather tightly. He moved his hand from an area to the space below, revealing a set of buttons.

She cocked her head to the side. "So that's how it works," she muttered under her breath.

He felt someone's stare on him and turned to look in Cassie's direction. She smiled innocently and waved at him with her free hand. He nodded at her before presuming his position when the whistle blew again.

To Cassie's surprise, Stiles was able to scoop the ball up before the player in front of him could. He passed it to Kira, who was wide open, and yelled for her to start running. She started to grin proudly at herself as she started sprinting to the goal. Coach yelled for her to pass the ball to Cassie, but she ignored it. Cassie didn't even care; she just wanted someone to score a point for Beacon. Kira dodged a player from the opposite team before launching the ball into the net of the goal post. The scoreboard buzzed loudly, changing to score to two to one.

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