Episode 21 Chapter 38

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Cassie woke up in what felt like a pile of dry leaves. She quickly sat up, feeling the texture below her, and looked around the place she was in. She saw that she was in the middle of what looked like the Beacon Hills Preserve.

"Son of a bitch," she grumbled before getting up off the ground.

Cassie wiped away some of the residue of the dirt from her hands. She felt something thin inside the pocket inside her joggers. She reached into her pocket and found that it was the old photograph her and Stiles had found in the nogitsune's previous body. She sighed deeply before putting the photograph back into her pocket and starting to trek through the woods, hoping to just not get even more lost.

About two and a half hours later, Cassie finally managed to get out of the woods. It seemed like she had arrived at the very entrance. Her legs ached, practically begging for any sort of relaxation for them. Her throat and lips were dry from the lack of hydration she had. And her body was covered in a layer of sweat. She was so tired; it hurt to breathe, but even with the shortage of energy, she was still determined to get the photo to Scott.

Cassie began walking down the side of the street after she caught her breath. Only after a few minutes of walking, she felt her legs just completely give up on her. She collapsed onto a tree, holding onto it for support.

"Come on, Cassie. Come on," she urged herself.

She pushed herself back onto her feet and kept walking despite the pain located everywhere on her lower body. She kept walking down the road until she saw houses and buildings in the distance. It felt like it had taken her hours, and it had, but only one thing was on her mind.

Cassie had made it to Scott's house after almost an hour. She was ready to collapse and just sleep, but she knew she couldn't until she warned them about the Stiles situation and gave them the photograph.

She knocked on the door a couple of times before Scott finally answered. Once the werewolf saw the condition she was in, he immediately invited her in and sat her down on the couch.

"Where were you? You were missing for almost a week!" he exclaimed as she took a much-needed sip of water from the glass he gave her.

She gulped the water down before answering him. "I'll explain everything to you. It's kind of important that I do or else it's gonna sound crazy and confusing. So, the day I went missing was the day before Stiles showed up at school. At least I think it was. Anyways, Stiles, he showed up in my bedroom and I figured out it wasn't really Stiles because it was actually really obvious. But since I found out, he knocked me out and took me to Eichen House."

"He took you to Eichen House?" he questioned. Cassie nodded in confirmation. "So, you were there with him when he admitted himself there."

She nodded again. "Yeah. Basically, to sum it all up, he decided that we needed to escape that horrid place because it wasn't safe for him or me. We got help from Malia, who just so happened to be my roommate, and his roommate, Oliver. There was this basement that he was, I guess, drawn to in a way. It took a couple tries, but we got into that basement, and we searched for any sort of clues on the nogitsune. We did. We found his body, or previous body, and we found this in its pocket."

She took the photograph out and handed it to Scott. He widened his eyes when he saw the woman on there who portrayed an exact replica of Kira.

"Is that..."

"Kira? Yeah, it looks exactly like her, but my guess would be a past relative. Maybe her grandmother since it looks like this was taken in the 1940s," she elaborated. "Anyways, Oliver went kind of crazy and tazed Stiles and knocked me out. By the time I woke up, it looked like Oliver was about to drill a hole into my head and it was already too late."

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