Episode 4 Chapter 56

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Malia growled at the two as she tried to claw at them. The restraints held her back, but that didn't stop her from trying to attack Stiles and Cassie.

"Stiles, Cassie, please go," she panted, trying to hold herself back.

"Malia, I told you; I'm not going to leave you. I won't."

"Yeah, besides, I hate parties. It's a social anxiety thing," Stiles said. "You ever have a panic attack."

"I'm having one right now!"

"Malia, look at me, okay? Just breathe. We're not going to leave you. I'm not going to leave you, alright? It's gonna be okay; you can get through this," Cassie encouraged.

"What if I hurt you?" she asked in a disoriented voice, still trying to claw at them with the restraints still holding her back.

"You're not going to, okay? I trust that you won't."

"But I want to!" she growled. "I look at your face, and I want to slash it! I want to tear at it. I want to feel your bones crack between my hands!"

"Malia, if you think you can scare me into leaving, then you're completely wrong because I won't leave you. I will stay here with you."

The sound of one of the leather straps ripping caught their attention immediately.

"You're not gonna have a choice."

Cassie stood up, backing up into Stiles, so that he would be away from the were-coyote in case she broke free.

"Stay here," she instructed him before going back to where Malia was.

"What? No, Cass-"

She turned to him. "I said to stay here."

Her stern tone made him listen to her. She then turned back around to face Malia. She knew Stiles was worried about her, but she knew exactly what to do. After all, she had delt with this kind of situation before.

"Malia, listen to me, okay? You have to concentrate. Not to the music and not to the full moon. Just concentrate on... concentrate on me and my voice," she soothed. "It's gonna be okay, Malia. You're gonna to be fine."

Malia lunged forward at her; one of her arms finally breaking free. Cassie tried to get away before her clawed fingers could reach her, but Malia had already slashed three large gashes on the left side of Cassie's body.

Cassie cried out in pain when she felt the tip of Malia's sharp claws reach her body. Fortunately, the wounds weren't that deep since she was already beginning to back away. Blood started to trickle out of the three slits. Cassie winced as she put her left hand onto the wounds, covering it up and putting pressure on it to slow the blood flow.


"I'm fine! I'm fine," Cassie reassured.

Malia couldn't even comprehend that she had wounded Cassie as she was trying to tug on the other chain to fully break free.

"Just run. Both of you, just run!"

"I'm not gonna run, Malia. I'm not going to run. Do you know why? Because I don't care if you'll hurt me again and again. I don't care," Cassie spoke, stepping forward but at the same time, keeping her distance. "Malia, I think maybe you're so afraid of hurting me is because of what you did to your family."

She paused, waiting for Malia's reaction. The were-coyote stopped what she was doing. She turned back to face Cassie, waiting to hear for what she had to say.

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