Episode 1 Chapter 44

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It had been months since Cassie's death. Chris had taken Allison to Paris along with Issaac, who went with them by choice, because of the fact that it could've been Allison in her place if Cassie hadn't sacrificed her life for her.

Most of everyone had moved on. Kira didn't know Cassie that well. Scott wasn't as close to her, but he still felt a sense of guilt from not being able to save her fast enough. Though they had a short time of friendship, Malia was still saddened by the fact her first friend had died but got over it surprisingly quick. To Lydia and Stiles, if always felt like she had just died in Scott's arms yesterday.

Part of the reason Lydia never fully moved on was because Allison had left her too. Now that Malia was in the pack, she was in a new trio with Kira and Malia. She couldn't say that she disliked them, but she had missed the old trio she was stuck in.

She felt guilty because it felt as if she were replacing both her best friends. Kira was the new Allison and Malia was the new Cassie. For the first time in a while, she felt alone. She missed them so much that it hurt to think about them whenever someone mentioned them.

Stiles had just never moved on, though he acted like he did. But what everyone couldn't see was that he was feeling an enormous amount of guilt. He kept telling himself that the nogitsune was his fault, and that he should've been more careful. He blamed himself for all of it. Her parents also blamed him for her death, so that didn't help with his coping either.

Despite the amount of guilt, he also felt like he had just lost one of the most important people of his life. Cassie had such an impact on him. She was the reason he still had a small percentage of hope that the nogitsune situation would all end without him dying. Somehow, all the hope was thrown out the window the second he saw her lifeless body covered in her own blood and Allison's tears. He hoped that dating Malia would help him move on from not just her death, but from her in general.

It didn't.


"This doesn't seem so bad," Stiles said, looking at the scene in front of him.

"It's not the town; it's the plan," Lydia deadpanned.

"What's wrong with the plan?"

"Stiles, this could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with," Lydia commented. "You're aware of that, right?"

"I'm aware it's not our best."

"We are going to die," the banshee stated dramatically before walking forward with Stiles following behind.

"Are you saying that as a banshee or are you just being pessimistic?" Stiles questioned.

"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't want to die."

"Okay, then would you mind restricting any talk of death to actual banshee predictions?"

"This plan is stupid and we're going to die," she continued to say, ignoring his request.

"Oh, thank you," he sarcastically replied.


It was now later on in the evening which meant it was time for the plan to commence. Lydia and Stiles walked down the now empty street as naturally and casual as possible. They finally got to a building where two buff men stood outside of it with their arms crossed across their chest.

Lydia began to speak Spanish to them while Stiles just stood beside her awkwardly. He did not have a clue on what she was saying.

Whatever Lydia had said, one of the men shook his head, declining her offer.

Stiles took that as his cue to do his part of the plan. He took out a thin card from his pocket and showed it to the other guard. The guard examined the card carefully before then looking at the security camera that was in the corner. Stiles followed where his eyes were and lifted up the card so whoever was watching them could see it.

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