Episode 9 Chapter 13

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Allison and Issaac found out that the targeted people for sacrifices now were philosophers. They realized that all the teachers were headed to the memorial recital.

Cassie and Stiles were driving over there. She looked over at Stiles who was gripping the steering wheel pretty harshly.

"You okay?"

He glanced at her. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

"Stiles, I know that excuse. Hell, I've used that excuse."

"I just... I don't want to talk about it right now."

She nodded. "Okay, and I won't force you to. But you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

He glanced at her again, smiling. "Yeah. And that's why I like you so much."

His smile grew when he saw her smile. He took one hand off the wheel and reach out for Cassie's. She got the message and interlocked their hands together.


Stiles and Cassie walked into the auditorium in the middle of the orchestra's song. Cassie noticed that Lydia was nowhere to be seen. She looked around the auditorium to see if she was just somewhere else but couldn't find her.

That's when she felt it. That sick gut feeling that something bad was about to happen.

She grabbed Stiles' wrist, signaling that she was gonna have another premonition. He wrapped his arm around her waist, supporting her so she wouldn't fall.

Flashes of Lydia came to her mind. Lydia was tied up to an office chair and a figure was right behind her. The figure wrapped a garrote around her neck and began to strangle her.

When the flashes stopped, she loosened her grip of Stiles.

God, I hate it when this happens.

She looked over at Stiles who was already about to ask her what she saw.

"It's Lydia," she said before he asked the question.

Cassie, Stiles, and Scott all exited out the auditorium. They shouted out Lydia's name. Scott looked around to try and catch her scent while Cassie and Stiles were trying to text her.

"She's not answering her texts," Stiles spoke.

"What do we do? How do we find her?" Cassie asked concerningly.


Scott suddenly covered his ears in grunted in pain. His breathing slowed as he took his hands off his ears.

"I know where she is," he breathed out.

He took off to the main building. Stiles and Cassie glanced at each other before running after him. They lost sight of him due to his werewolf speed.

Stiles sighed in frustration. "Now what do we do?"

"Trust your gut feeling," Cassie whispered to herself. "I know where she is. Come on."

She grabbed Stiles' hand and began running to where her gut told her to go. It led her to Ms. Blake's classroom. There they saw Ms. Blake and Lydia tied up to her office chair in tears. They were about to go in before she pushed her desk at the door, blocking it. Cassie and Ms. Blake made a short eye contact before the door shut. Stiles pulled her back and started to throw himself at the door.

Cassie was in shock.

Of course, the darach was Ms. Blake. All the weird stuff started happening when she came around town. Why couldn't she see that?

She snapped out of it and pushed Stiles out of the way.


The desk moved away from inside the classroom, leaving the door unblocked. Stiles and Cassie rushed into the classroom.

But it was already too late.

Both Ms. Blake and Stiles' dad were gone. All that was left were Scott and a shattered window Ms. Blake escaped from.

Stiles threw himself at Cassie, wrapping his arms around her. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he hid himself in the crook of her neck. Cassie rubbed his back up and down comfortingly.

Sheriff Stilinski was the next sacrifice.

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