Episode 1 Chapter 46

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"So, you're just letting us go?" Scott questioned as he followed Araya out the building.

"I sent four men out to where Kate has been rumored to be seen. None of them came back." She stopped, turning to face him. "Let's see if you can do better."

Scott sighed. "You could've just told me she was alive."

"You wouldn't have believed me," she retorted. "Now, I know what kind of alpha you are. And where your next step lies."

He furrowed his brows, confused what the hunter was going with this. "What next step?"

"When you take a bite of an innocent, when you make a wolf of your own. When you do that, then I will cross your border and come knocking at your door."

She then walked away with her army of hunters after her ominous response. Scott walked to where the pack was, meeting Stiles in the middle since he was walking to him.

"So, what now?"

"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek," Scott replied.

"She gonna tell us where?" Malia asked, leaning on Stiles' jeep with Kira by her side.

"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide."

As if right on cue, a person riding on a black motorcycle came in, almost running over Stiles. They took off their helmet, revealing the beautiful face beneath it with perfect curls still intact.

"You know her?" Stiles asked.

Scott nodded. "Braeden."

"Who's Braden?" Kira queried.

"She's a mercenary," Lydia replied.

"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you La Iglesia."

"The church?"

"What's the church?"

"It's not a place you'll find God that's for sure," Braeden replied.

Stiles looked at Scott unsurely. The true alpha simply just shrugged at him before going to Stiles' jeep. Stiles sighed, uncrossing his arms as he walked to the driver's side of his jeep.

Braeden had said it would be a long drive, so the pack prepared themselves. They started driving to the location with Braeden leading the way with her motorcycle.

The car ride had a very awkward silence. Kira and Malia were basically telepathically telling each other that they both had no clue on who Kate Argent was. The rest knew, but they didn't.

"Okay, I'll ask," she began. "Who's Kate Argent?"

Kira rose her hand. "Uh, I'd like to know too."

"Well, we were at her funeral, so I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was buried six feet underground," Stiles added.

"She was never in it," Scott spoke.

Both Malia and Kira widened their eyes. So many other questions were now going on through their minds.

"She was Allison's aunt," Lydia said, figuring she should be the one to explain who Kate is since no one else was. "And a total sociopath."

Kira couldn't see the look on Scott's face, but she could tell that he was definitely uncomfortable about the topic being spoken.

"You don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to," she said.

"Um, yes he does," Malia interjected.

Scott let out the breath he was holding. "Yeah, she's right. You guys should know. You guys need to know."

Stiles nodded to himself, taking in that it was time to explain. "Alright, Kate was the one who set the fire that killed most of Derek's family."

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