Episode 18 Chapter 32

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Cassie had woken up in her bed. She had a massive hangover, and Lottie had figured out what happened at the party because Danny told her. Apparently, Cassie had gotten too drunk and passed out. When he got to her, she was freezing cold. Lottie believed it; though she got a really long lecture about it, Lottie agreed not to tell their parents. And because of her hangover, Lottie called in sick for Cassie, so she didn't go to school.

Scott had called her on the phone and filled her in on everything. There was so much information that he unpacked on her, but she only paid attention to one thing.

She was right about Kira being a Kitsune.


Cassie tossed and turned in her bed as she slept.

She kept having flashes of Stiles shouting for someone to help him. He was trapped in some sort of industrial basement with his ankle caught in a beartrap. His eyes were watering, complaining about how bad it smelt. He then started talking to a figure in the shadows.

She sat up straight in her bed, gasping for air when Stiles started to scream. And then there was that sick gut feeling, telling her it wasn't just a nightmare.

She rolled out of bed and put on her white cardigan that was lying on the floor. She pulled her hair back into a messy, high ponytail and grabbed her phone, dialing Stiles' number. He didn't answer the call as it just went to voicemail.

"Shit," she muttered, hanging up.

Cassie went downstairs and grabbed her car keys and shoes. She slipped on her slip-on sandals before heading out the door.

She got inside her car and started to drive as quickly as she could to the Stilinski household.


Scott and Issaac rushed into Stiles' bedroom. Lydia and Aiden turned around to the sound of the door opening behind them. The two boys furrowed their brows at the number of red strings all tied together to a pair of scissors that was stabbed into the mattress of his bed.

"How did you know? Did he call you too?" Scott asked the banshee.

"I heard it."

"Don't ask," Aiden chimed in. "It gets more confusing when you ask."

"Not as confusing as this," Lydia said, referring to the mess of red strings.

The four examined the red strings, realizing that they were connected to different photos.

"He uses red for unsolved cases," a voice said from behind them. They all looked back to see who it was. "Now, can someone please tell me where the fuck my boyfriend is?"

"He's not with us, Cassie. We don't know where he is. Not yet, anyways," Lydia replied.

"How did you find out? He told me not to tell you. Did he tell you?" Scott kept asking.

"You spoke to him?" Cassie questioned, not bothering to answer Scott's questions. "What did he say? Is he hurt? Is he in danger?"

"From the ways he described it, yeah. We think he is."

"Hold on, is he still out there? You don't know where he is?" Lydia questioned.

"He said he was in an industrial basement somewhere," Scott responded.

"We came here to get a better scent," Issaac added.

"What else did he say?" Lydia asked.

"Something's wrong with his leg; it's bleeding," Scott replied.

"Beartrap. His leg is caught in a beartrap," Cassie realized.

"He also said he's freezing," Issaac said.

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