Episode 6 Chapter 59

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Cassie, Lydia, and Stiles all walked into the main room of the sheriff's station. Thanks to Lydia and Malia, another third of the list had been revealed as well as more names. One of those names being Jordan Parrish.

"Your dad should be back within the hour," Parrish said, walking through the door of the room with the three teenagers following. "You guys wanna wait in his office?"

"Actually, we want to talk to you," Stiles replied.

Lydia shrugged. "Privately."

Parrish eyed them, suspicious about what they had to say, but at the same time, curious. He nodded his head towards the sheriff's office, and they all went inside it.

"This is a dead pool," Cassie spoke, handing him the printed-out version of the dead pool. "The names on there are the targets and the numbers next to the names are the prices of money they're worth."

Parrish glanced up at her. "This is a hit list?"

"We call it a dead pool," Stiles repeated. "Recognize any of the names on there?"

"Yeah. The sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night, but we couldn't find any of them," he explained.

Stiles gently nudged Lydia. "Show him the other thing."

Lydia sent him a small glare for nudging him before grabbing the paper and flipping it over. She pointed at the name on top.

Parrish slightly widened his eyes at it. "Okay, that's kind of terrifying," he commented, getting off the desk he was leaning against. "What's the number?"

"How much you're worth if someone kills you," Cassie replied, getting a bit annoyed that she had to repeat what she said just a minute ago.

He turned to them, offended. "I'm worth five dollars?"

"Five million," Stiles corrected, holding up five fingers.

"I only make forty thousand a year. Maybe I should kill myself." He sighed. "I don't get it. Why am I on this?"

"Honestly, that might be a question for another day," Stiles replied. "Right now, there's still another third of the list we gotta crack."

"We need the third cipher key, but we need help getting it," Lydia added.

Parrish furrowed his brows. "From who?"

Lydia pursued her lips. "...Meradith."

"The girl from Eichen? The last time you saw her; you almost gave her a nervous breakdown," he deadpanned, walking past the three of them and to the door. He opened the door for them to get out.

"Uh, almost," Lydia emphasized.

He gestured out the door for them to get out. They all sighed in dissatisfaction, slumping their shoulders as they went out the door.


They ended up convincing Parrish. They begged him nonstop to allow them to see Meradith at Eichen House, and he eventually gave in.

The worker in front of them struggled with his keys as the four of them all watched. They were all a little unsure if Meradith were able to help them again, but they had a small percentage of faith.

Stiles looked behind him when he heard footsteps coming near them. He slightly cocked his head to the side when he saw the familiar shadow. He rolled his eyes after seeing who the person was.

"Ugh, not this guy again," he muttered.

"What? Who is it?" Cassie asked, turning her head to see who he was talking about. Seeing who Stiles was talking about, she rolled her eyes and turned back.

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