Episode 3 Chapter 54

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They ended up taking him to the hospital. According to the nurse, it could be a sprain or a break which meant they needed to take Liam to the hospital to get it checked out.

"Don't worry, Liam. We'll take good care of you," Melissa assured before propelling the wheelchair Liam was in to a hospital room.

I told you guys we should've taken him to the hospital but noooo, you guys just had to take up more of our time and go to the nurse's office.

Is what she wanted to say, but she read the tone of the current circumstances they were in and just decided to keep quiet.

"Alright, I gotta get going. I promised Malia I'd help her study," Stiles announced.

Cassie sighed inaudibly when she heard Malia's name. Sure, she had gotten closer to the were-coyote over the week, but it still hurt whenever she was reminded of the fact that Stiles was dating her friend and not her. She still hasn't gotten over her feelings for Stiles. And she couldn't tell him or anyone else. All because she kept telling herself that it was selfish to do so.

"Sure. I want to check on him anyway," Scott replied.

Stiles nodded. "Cass, you want a ride?"

"I... uh..."

She looked at Scott, not asking for permission, but asking if it were okay to leave him alone. He got her looks and then nodded.

"I'll be fine, Cassie. Just go and get some sleep."

She sighed again; this time more audible. She turned around to go with Stiles to his jeep but then stopped again. She turned back to Scott, needing to make things sure about one thing.

"Um, I don't need to tell you that this isn't your fault, right?

He shrugged, not sparing her a glance. "I don't know."

"Scott, if you had used any wolf power, that kid wouldn't have been limping; he would've been crawling... back to the other side of his body," Stiles joined in.

"If I hadn't been so worried about being captain, he wouldn't be hurt either."

"Scott, listen to me," Cassie began, grabbing Scott's hands to gain his attention. "Stiles is right, okay? This isn't your fault. And... you know, it's okay to want something for yourself once in a while. Lacrosse team captain, true alpha werewolf. You're still human, Scott, with human emotions, human needs, human wants. Just remember that sometimes putting yourself first isn't always a bad thing."

She gave him one last squeeze before letting go of his hands and walking away with Stiles. He opened the passenger side of the car door for her, allowing her to go inside. She sent him a thankful smile before sitting on the seat.

Once he was inside the car, he began driving to Scott's house first to drop Cassie off.

She leaned her head on his window, watching everything just zoom by as Stiles drove. She then closed her eyes, enjoying the less awkward and more comfortable silence between them. That was until Stiles started to speak.

"So, uh, you're good at lacrosse," he began, trying to make conversation. "How'd you get so good?"

She smiled teasingly, taking her head off the window and looking at him.

"Is Stiles Stilinski actually admitting that I'm good at lacrosse?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Just answer my question."

"Well, Lottie used to play when she was in middle school and out of every sport she's ever played, which is probably every sport on the planet, lacrosse was her favorite. So, she taught it to me, and when Em came into the family, she taught it to Em," she explained. "Em loved it more than me though. I hated it because... well, actually I don't know the reason. I just hated it."

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