Chapter 22

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It has been a few days since Stiles, Allison, and Scott were surrogate sacrifices for their parents.

Cassie was worried about them. Stiles was having constant nightmares, Allison was seeing things, and Scott couldn't control his transformation. On top of all that, it was the day of Em's funeral.

She honestly didn't know what to expect. She knew it was gonna happen some time, but she just didn't want it to happen while her friends were losing their minds.

Vanessa had invited all her friends to the funeral. Saying that Cassie needed all the support she could get. Cassie didn't know about it of course.

Cassie stood in front of her bathroom mirror, eyeing the necklace around her neck. It was the necklace Em gave her for her sixteenth birthday. She knew pearls would probably be more suitable for the event, but she felt that the necklace would've symbolized more. She rested her hand on the countertop and looked up into her reflection.

She looked into her own eyes in the reflection. She didn't see the girl she used to be before Em's death. That girl was happier than she was at that moment. Happier because she had Em.

She sighed deeply before grabbing the pearl earrings that resided on the countertop and exiting out the bathroom. She grabbed her black heels from the carpet floor of her bedroom as she headed out the door. She held the straps of her heels in her hand as she stabbed the earrings into her earlobes.

As she was going down the stairs, she saw Stiles, Allison, Lydia, and Scott all waiting for her.

"Is it a bad time to compliment her on how beautiful she looks?" Stiles whispered to Scott.



"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Cassie asked as she adjusted the long gloves fitting perfectly on her forearms.

"Your mom asked us to come," Allison responded. "Said you could use all the support you could get and what better support than your best friends."

"That's sweet, but I'm fine on my own."

"Cassie, we're your friends. You were there for us when we were at our lowest, now it's our turn," Lydia spoke.

"Really, I don't want to be a bother," the witch argued. "I know you guys are going through some stuff of your own right now and I'm honestly fine on my own."

"Cass, I love you, okay? We all love you. Let us be there for you," Stiles said.

"Seriously, Cassie. You can't be alone at a time like this," Allison added.

"I'm not alone. I have my parents."

"Who are also busy grieving," Lydia replied, enunciating the word "also".

She looked at them all, debating whether to argue. She knew she would probably lose the argument in the end, but she really just wanted to be alone at a time like this. Especially since she didn't want her friends to see how badly she'd fail at attempt of a speech.

"Okay," she simply said.

They all gave her an apologetic look while she just sent them an awkward half smile.




Cassie was sitting down on one of the chairs near the coffin Em's dead body was in. She watched as her aunts and uncles gave their condolences to her parents. She fiddled with the promise ring on her finger as she bounced her leg up and down rapidly. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now