Episode 11 Chapter 66

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Cassie walked down the stairs and saw Melissa flipping through envelopes. Melissa turned her head back when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Oh, Cassie, you have mail."

She furrowed her brows. "I do?"

"Mhm," Melissa hummed, handing her the envelope.

Cassie took the envelope as she took off her backpack. She stuffed it in the front pocket, deciding to just read it later. She heard Melissa mutter words along the lines of 'what is this' and looked up.

"What is what?"

"Eichen House. They... they sent me a check for half a million dollars."

Cassie bit back her smile. "That's good, right?"

"I mean, yeah but why did they send me this? It's five hundred thousand dollars." Melissa sighed, turning to Cassie. "Do you happen to have anything to do with this, Cassie?"

"No, I, in fact, do not have anything to do with this," she lied.

Melissa eyed her suspiciously, putting her hands on her hips. "Cassie, you are a terrible liar."

At that point, Cassie couldn't hide her smile anymore. "Okay, I may have played a minor role in this, but I know about the bills that you've been struggling to pay, and I just thought that I should do something to help considering you're letting me stay here for free."

"I cannot believe you did this," she commented, her expression softening. "Thank you, Cassie. You didn't have to help but thank you."

"It was no big deal. All it took was some empty threats." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Melissa smiled, pulling the girl into a tight hug. Cassie returned the hug, her smile never leaving her face.


Malia was walking down the hallway to her next class. She heard the door to the janitor's closet creak open, and when she turned her head towards it, the person inside grabbed her arm and dragged her arm.

Her eyes glowed electric blue and fangs sprouted out from her gums, snarling at the person before her as she got ready to attack them. Her werewolf features then faded away when she saw who it was.

"Cassie? Why did you-"

"Because we need to talk and yes, I realize that we could've talked someplace else, but we're here now!" Cassie cut off. "First things first, why did you break up with Stiles?"

"How do you even know about that?"

"I just do!" she shouted. "Malia, I know you have very strong feelings for him, so why did you suddenly end things?"

The were-coyote shrugged. "I heard you guys arguing in his room, and you said you were still in love with him," she replied nonchalantly.

Her expression softened as she sighed guiltily. "Malia, why would you do that?"

"Remember the time when I asked you what love felt like?" Cassie nodded. "Well, Stiles doesn't feel that way with me; he feels that way with you, and you feel that way with him."

"So, you broke up with him because you didn't want to be in a one-sided relationship?" she hesitantly said.

"Cassie, I broke up with him, so that you could be with him."

"Malia, you didn't have to do that. Look, I know you like him. A lot. And he likes you-"

"But he likes you more," she cut off. "And I asked Kira what she would do if she were in my place, and she said she would've done the same thing. I mean, would you? If you were in my place, would you do the same thing?"

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