Episode 13 Chapter 25

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Cassie was woken up by a slight tapping sound coming from her window. She turned to her side and covered her head with her blanket. She sighed in annoyance when the tapping didn't stop and finally opened her eyes.

She got out of bed and walked over to her window. She opened up her curtain and saw Scott and Stiles throwing small, colored pebbles at her window. They noticed that they woke her up and signaled for her to come down to them.

After a long day of school, shopping, and homework, she was not in the mood.

She flipped them off, giving them a sarcastic smile before closing her curtains.

She turned back to her bed and started to walk to it but froze when she heard them continue to throw the pebbles at her window. She took a deep breath to try to contain her annoyance towards them and turned back around to her window. She walked back to her window and opened the curtain.

"Holy shit!" She yelled, jumping back when she saw Scott right in front of her window.

He mouthed at her to open the window. She put her hand over her chest where her heart would be to try and restart her heart.

Once her heart started beating again, she unlocked the window and slid it up.

"What do you want?" She spat.

"We need your help," he replied.

"I'm kind of busy sleeping right now, so no."

"Cassie, please. This could save Noah's job."

The girl furrowed her brows. "What do you mean 'save Noah's job'?"

Cassie ended up going. Apparently, due to the 'lack of times Noah failed to solve a case', Scott's dad was going to fire him and take his place.

"You know, if my dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet," Stiles spoke up.

Scott sighed. "I know," he replied.

"If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up to that."

"I second that," Cassie agreed.

"Don't worry, me either. Especially since I can't control my own transformation anymore," Scott said.

They continued to walk through the woods in a comfortable silence with just their feet crunching the dead leaves beneath them being heard. The three stopped at a small, rocky cliff. A coyote howled, startling both Stiles and Cassie. The witch jumped back at the noise while Stiles accidently grabbed a hold of Scott, knocking his phone, which had the GPS to the wrecked car, out of his hands. The three watched as the phone tumbled down the rocky cliff and landing into a small puddle of water.

Stiles looked at Scott as Cassie facepalmed. "Sorry, buddy," he apologized. "I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless animal."

Scott ignored Stiles' fun fact about himself and jumped down the cliff. Stiles tried to carefully walk down the slope instead but ended up slipping and almost falling onto his butt. Cassie snickered at the sight. Stiles sent her a glare before giving her his hand for her to hold on to so she could get down. Cassie took his hand and carefully walked down the slope, not slipping once.

The couple walked over to Scott who was wiping the water off the phone with his sleeve.

"It still works," Scott pointed out.

Stiles noticed something in the distance. He tapped Cassie's shoulder to get her attention and pointed at the thing he was staring at. She looked at him then looked to see where his finger was pointing at.

"Let me see the flashlight," Stiles said, taking the flashlight out of Scott's hand. He walked forward with Cassie following behind him. "I think we found it."

He led the both of them to the car wreckage which surprisingly had to caution tape surrounding it considering it was an old crime scene.

"Uh... Why wouldn't they move it? Isn't it evidence?" Scott asked.

"Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out," Stiles responded.

Cassie noticed some scratch marks on the car door. "Hey, come look at this," she said, walking to where the car door was. Her fingers traced over the marks as she inspected it. "Wouldn't animal claws be closer together?"

"Yeah. A lot closer," Stiles replied.

"Then it was a werewolf," Scott said.

"So, my dad was right."

Stiles bent down to the window and peeked inside the car. His flashlight wandered to different spots of the inside of the car.

"What is that?" Scott questioned, pointing to an object inside the car.

Stiles reached in and grabbed the object, freeing it from where it was trapped in. He got up from his kneeling position and showed the object to Cassie and Scott, revealing that it was a baby doll toy.

"I'm hungry-"

The three of them screamed, Stiles being the loudest, and backed away from the doll as Stiles threw it to the ground and collapsed onto the floor.

Cassie put her hand over her chest, trying to restart her heart for the third time that night.

"I think I just had a minor heart attack," Stiles imparted.

There was a low growling, coming from something behind them. Scott was the first to notice.

"Um, guys?" he spoke, trying to get their attention. Cassie turned her head to see what Scott was looking at and instantly froze. "Please tell me you see that."

Stiles got up from the ground and saw the two glowing, electric blue eyes staring right at them.

"I see it."

When the creature ran away, Scott ran after it, ignoring Stiles and Cassie's calls for him to wait for them. They watched as Scott ran after the creature. Stiles grabbed Cassie's hand.

"Come on, if he's going that way, I think I know where we can meet him," he said before pulling Cassie along with him the opposite direction.

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