Chapter 5

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Cassie was studying in her room when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in!"

She expected it to be her mom, who seemed to be checking up on her every fifteen minutes, but it was Stiles.

"Oh hey, Stiles. What's up?"

"Um, can we talk?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, of course." She got up from her desk and sat down on the edge of her bed, dragging Stiles down with her. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"You," he answered with concerned eyes. "Are you okay?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat. She hated when people asked her that.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because you've been acting suspiciously normal after-"

"I said I'm fine!" she interrupted, raising her tone a bit. "Sorry, I-"

"You know you're allowed to grieve too, right? I mean, your best friend died. It's okay to grieve."

She felt another lump in her throat and tears sting at her eyes.

"Stiles, I said I'm fine. Now, please just stop bothering me," she said, getting up from the bed.

"Cass, please just talk to me," he pleaded, getting up from the bed as well.

"What! What do you want me to say! That it was my fault Em died! That I had a fucking dream about her dying and was still not quick enough to save her! Huh?"

"Cass, it's okay."

"No, it isn't! You said that it's okay to grieve but not for me it is! I've delt with grief before and I hated it! I've had panic attacks, nightmares, constant breakdowns if someone said one wrong thing. Hell, I'm having one right now! So please, just stop bothering me!"

"Cass, you need to grieve. It's not healthy for you to keep things bottled up."

"Alright, fine! You wanna know how I feel? I feel like every time I think about her, all I can see is her dead body. I feel like every time I think about her, I think about how I could've saved her, but didn't. I feel like every time I think about her, I'm gonna start having panic attacks again. She wasn't just my best friend; she was my sister. My real sister. And it feels like I don't know how to continue my life without her in it."

She looked at Stiles and saw that he had an apologetic look on his face. She blinked, letting more tears slip out.

Great job, Cassie. Now he's gonna start babying you now that you said that.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to yell-"

She got cut off when she felt Stiles engulf her in a hug. She didn't know why, but when he did, she immediately broke down. She cried into his shoulder, trying to mute the sobs trying to come out her mouth as he whispered comforting words to her.

Once her cries had gotten more calm-ish, he moved them to the bed and laid both of them down. Cassie was laying on his chest while his arms were around her waist.

"Please don't start babying me," she mumbled, trying to get rid of the shakiness in her voice.


"Please don't start babying me," she repeated. "I know how this goes. I share my feelings to people, and they suddenly think that if I'm not with them at all times, I'm going to have a breakdown every five minutes. Just please, Stiles."

He nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "Okay, I won't. But are you sure you still want to help with the sacrifices and stuff?"

"Yes, Stiles. Just please don't-"

"Baby you. I know. Just try and sleep, okay?"

She nodded against his chest and closed her eyes. Once he felt her breathing calm, he closed his eyes, trying to sleep as well.


A/N: I know I don't do author's notes very often, but I just want to apologize that this chapter was so short. This chapter was just basically Cassie venting to Stiles and Stiles trying to comfort her. I also want to thank my readers for reading the Teen Witch series. I appreciate and love you all! Thank you so much again for reading the Teen Witch series and I hope you enjoy the rest of it!

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