Episode 7 Chapter 61

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The pack all rushed down the stairs to the basement. They managed to get past the CDC workers stealthily thanks to Ken who kept distracting them long enough for them to go. He guided them to where the stairs were, but from there on, they were on their own.

The pain in Cassie's head had subsided to the point where it was a very harsh migraine. But it didn't hurt as much as before, so Cassie was just grateful for that.

Each of them searched high and low to try to find the entrance of the Hale vault. They looked behind shelves, boxes, they tried to look everywhere.

Stiles was looking through a shelf when he noticed something off about the wall behind it. He moved aside a cardboard box that seemed to be blocking something and revealed a familiar pattern that was indented into the concrete wall.

"Hey, guys..." he called gesturing them to go where he was. "Over here."

Scott helped Stiles move the shelf out of the way. Once the shelf was removed, the wall showed a triskele pattern that was carved around the, what was assumed, thing used to open the vault.

"Look at the cracks in the walls," Stiles pointed out. "Looks like the entrance outside. It only opens with claws. Anyone's claws, right?"

Cassie spotted the knowing look Scott and Stiles shared. She furrowed her brows at it, confused what they knew about that she clearly did. They both glanced over at Kira, giving her the same look. So, apparently, Kira was in on their secret. Cassie shook herself out of those thoughts. The more things she thought about, the more pain there was in her head.

"Um... Malia, can you try?" Scott asked, almost hesitating to say.

"Why me?"

"I don't have control." He lifted up his hand to show that his claws weren't there replacing his nails.

"Okay, I'll do it," she agreed. "But first, tell me what you've been hiding from me."

Cassie could see the very visible panic on their faces. Yeah, they were definitely hiding something from not just Malia, but from her.

"I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it," the were-coyote continued. "I know I'm on the list."

As soon as she said that sentence, everyone's expressions showed the clear relief in it. Not relief that she had already known, but the relief that showed she didn't about something else.

"Yes..." Stiles replied.

"So, how much?"

"How much what?"

"How much am I worth?"

"Four million," Scott answered.

Stiles stepped forward, trying to read the indecipherable look on her face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Scott's worth twenty-five, Kira six. They'll take you guys out way before me and Cassie."

She made her way past their shocked faces to open the door. She stuck her claws at the top engraved lines of the symbol before turning it counterclockwise and then the opposite way.

The door successfully slid open to the left, revealing the large room behind it. They walked into the vault, looking around each corner in astonishment. The door behind them closed as soon as everyone was inside. Everybody then started to get comfortable on a certain spot on the floor, assuming that the day ahead of them was definitely going to go on a long time.


Cassie sat up against the wall with one knee brought up to her chest and her head resting against the wall. She tried to make sure her breaths were short and fast, so that Stiles, being the only human in the room, wouldn't take her headaches away by absorbing them himself.

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