Episode 12 Chapter 68

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They made their way through the church, following Peter as he led them to where Scott would be.

Peter skidded to a stop, yelling at them to stop as well. He turned to them; breaths full of pants.

"We gotta figure out where we are, and we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira," he instructed.

Suddenly, Stiles' cell phone started ringing. Everyone looked at him in annoyance as he got his phone out of his pockets and put himself aside to answer it.

"Hi, dad," he greeted. "Okay, dad, I know you're angry."

"Oh, I'm beyond angry. I have reached a level of fury that you could not possibly comprehend."

"Okay, well, when I get back, you can ground me."

"Ground you? Ground you?" Noah uttered in disbelief. "I am going to hobble you!" He sighed. "Now please, tell me you're alright. Tell me that you're safe."

"You want me to lie?" he questioned, looking back at the pack for a quick second.

"Oh, god," he breathed out. "Okay, tell me. Tell me what I can do. How can I help?"

Stiles glanced back at Cassie. "Lydia. She was at the school when we called for Mason to look for her. Now we're not hearing back from either of them. I don't know, dad. I don't know what I'm doing. You know, I'm just trying to save my friends."

"Okay. I'll find Lydia and Mason. You get Scott and Kira. You save your friends."

"Dad, if it's one of the berserkers at the school, you're gonna need fire power. A lot."

He then finally hung up the call, putting his phone back in her pocket and walking back to the rest of the pack.

Liam sighed. "What do we do now?"

Malia slightly shrugged, letting her eyes wander through the tunnel. Then, on the left of Liam, she saw a berserker running towards them.

"Duck!" she quickly said, grabbing the back of Liam's neck and dragging him with her to move away.

They all quickly started to run as the berserker started to chase them down the hallway. They made it into a room with the berserker following them behind.

Malia tossed Stiles Kira's katana. "Go find Kira and Scott!" she ordered. "Go. Cassie, go with him."

Cassie and Stiles quickly ran into the other exit beside them, leaving the other three with the berserker.

Stiles turned on his phone flashlight as Cassie got out the handgun Braeden had given her earlier. She readied herself, preparing to shoot a berserker if they came across one.

They both called out Kira and Scott's names in the hopes that at least one of them would hear them.

"Hold on," she spoke, stopping along with Stiles.

They stayed silent as Cassie tried to listen for the sound she heard. She swore that she had heard something. It sounded like a faint growling and footsteps.

She quickly shoved Stiles aside when she spotted a berserker coming at them from the left. She started to shoot at it with her gun. With each shot, the berserker backed up a step. She took a step forward each time it took a step backwards.

She glanced back at Stiles, seeing the worry in his eyes. "Go find Kira and Scott, okay? I'll be fine!"

He hesitated for a moment before quickly getting up from the cement floor and rushing past her, turning to the right of the hallway.

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now