Episode 22 Chapter 41

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Cassie found herself laying down on an uncomfortable mattress with what felt like leather straps around her wrists, torso, and ankles. She looked around and saw that Scott was lying in a bed across from her with the same situation. The witch realized that they were in a room in Eichen House, recognizing the setting.

She heard Scott struggling to get out of the straps and sighed.

She turned her head to him. "Scott."

"What?" He replied, turning his head to her.

"Do I actually have to remind you that you're literally a werewolf? Not to mention a true alpha as well."

"We're in Stiles' head," he pointed out.

"Uh-huh, thanks for pointing out the obvious. Did you forget you literally have supernatural strength? Break free."

Scott nodded, realizing that she was right. Soon enough, he managed to break free from the straps. Cassie watched him with a proud smile plastered on her face. After he broke out of all the straps, he went over to where Cassie was and undid all the straps on her.

"Thank you," she thanked when he got her out of the straps.

He nodded. "What now?"

She shrugged. "We could try going through the door."

"Okay, just stay behind me."

He opened the door in front of them like Cassie suggested and walked out the room. She took a deep breath before going to follow after the werewolf. The door shut behind him, leaving her trapped inside the room.

"Scott? Scott!" She yelled, jiggling the doorknob, only for it to not open.

She exhaled a shaky breath, figuring she should give up on trying to get the door to open. She turned around, furrowing her brows when she saw that the beds had disappeared and that there was another door right across from her.

Cassie reached out for the doorknob, but pulled her hand back, hesitating whether to open it or not. She took another deep breath, deciding to just get the possible horrors on the other side of the door over with. She grabbed the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door open.

Once she stepped through the door, she realized that she was at the back of the school. More specifically, where all the buses were. She looked down and saw that her clothes had changed. She was wearing a pair of black cargo pants and a baggy, dark gray t-shirt to go with it. Except, her shirt had three large slashes in the middle where her stomach was. There were splatters of blood all around the slashes. Splatters of her own blood.

A bus that was to her right started to shake, making a rattling sound that gained her attention. She gasped sharply out of surprise when a splash of dark crimson blood started to cover the window of the back emergency door of the bus. She gulped, slowly making her way towards the shaking bus.

When she got into the aisle between the shaking bus and a normal bus, she looked at the windows and saw that each had a backwards five on it written with blood. A figure of weight was heard jumping down onto the cement. She flinched at the sudden noise and turned her head to where the sound came from.

It was the nogitsune. The actual nogitsune.

Its whole body was wrapped in what looked like bandages. Its mouth was open, but it showed nothing inside except for rows of sharp teeth that could make you bleed if you touch them.

It started walking to where Cassie was. She back away one step each time it made a step towards her. It roared loudly at her, making her stop and cover her ears with the palm of her hands. Her heart started pounding out her chest as her breathing got uneven. Then, a voice was heard belting her name, making her snap out of it.

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now