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"Thanks for driving me back, and..." Cassie trailed off, seeing Stiles walk into her temporary room and sit on the edge of the bed. "Following me into my room." She shut the door behind her and sat down next to him. "So, how'd your dad react when you got back from Mexico?"

"He handcuffed me to his desk and grounded me until I turn eighteen," he replied, making her chuckled.

"Wow, I'm surprised you're here with me now and not still stuck at the station," she joked, earning a small breathy laugh from him. "Uh... speaking of which, why are you here with me now?"

He was caught off guard by the straightforwardness of her question at first. He then turned to her, facing her fully, and grabbed both her hands. She glanced down at them when she felt his gentle grip and then looked at him confused.

"Cass, ever since that day in the hospital, it's practically been killing me that you said that you meant all of those words you said in our argument. I am so sorry that I've been treating you like that ever since you came back to life, but I was just scared. I was scared that I might fall in love with you again because I didn't want to lose you again and feel that same type of pain when I lost you the first time. But when I realized, it was already too late, and I had already lost you. So, I'm going to say this right now to your face. I am still in love with you, Cass, and I always have been."

She didn't know what to say. She was still in love with him as well, and she wanted to try to be in another relationship with him again. But there were so many things about her that she still had to figure out.

She needed to figure out why her powers were really working until that day in Mexico. She needed to figure out why she still didn't feel like herself even after so many weeks of being alive again. She needed to figure out if her mom was really still alive.

She just needed to work things out with herself before she worked things out with Stiles.

When he saw that she was responding, he got worried and started to get anxious.


She looked up at him, tears swelling in her eyes. "Stiles, you have no idea how happy I am that you said that, and I'm still in love with you too. But I'm just not ready to start another relationship with you yet." He opened his mouth to speak before she cut off any words he was about to say. "And no, it's not for the reason you're thinking about. Look, in complete honesty, there's so many things going on with me right now. Like last night, that was the first time I've successfully done a spell since I've been resurrected. I also have had this weird feeling every single day that makes me feel like I'm not... myself. It feels like I'm someone else... I don't know. And adding onto more on my list, I still need to find out if my mom's really alive or not. There's just so many things that's going on with me that... I don't think I can start a relationship with you yet."

He nodded, trying to decide what to do in his mind.

"Okay, then I'll wait. I'll wait for you."

"No, Stiles, you can't. I don't know how long this whole 'self-journey' could take. It could be months. It could be years-"

"And I don't care," he interrupted. "Whenever you're ready, and if you still have feelings for me, I'll be here. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes."

He moved his hand and placed it on her cheek, cupping once side of her face. He then leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She kissed back, one of her hands letting go of his and caressing the back of his neck to make the kiss deeper.

Even though weeks of tension that were built up were put into that kiss, it was still gentle and romantic. His other hand was now resting on her waist as hers was resting on his shoulder. Like always, her lips were soft and felt like heaven on his.

They didn't want to stop kissing each other. It had felt like forever had passed since they last kissed. They had almost forgotten what it felt like, and because of that, they desired the kiss even more.

They finally pulled away when they noticed the other needed air. They rested their foreheads onto each other as they panted for air.

Cassie smiled gently, causing him to smile as well.

In that moment, she finally felt like herself again.


Cassie sighed in exhaustion as she collapsed onto the bed behind her.

It had been almost a week since the pack had gone to Mexico to save Scott and Kira. She decided she would take up Derek's offer and live in the loft. Her and Stiles were friends again who kissed and made out from time to time.

She had just finished unpacking all her stuff, which wasn't much, in the loft. She figured moving in would just be a waste of time considering she was going to college in a year, but she didn't want to burden Melissa with the responsibility of taking care of her and Scott. She was almost eighteen anyways.

Cassie lifted up her head from the bed when she heard a heavy thump on the floor. She saw that it was her backpack that had fallen off the table. She groaned tiredly, not wanting to get up and put it back.

She decided to just put it back on the table, knowing that it was just bother her and make her stay up thinking about whether to put it back or not. She walked towards it and put it back on top of the table.

She furrowed her brows when she saw something slip out the front pocket as she was putting her bag back. She picked it up and saw that it was an envelope that had her name on it.

To Cassandra Rose Williams

She opened it up and got out the lined paper that was inside. It was a letter.

Dear Cassie,

I hope that you are doing alright after the dead pool. When I found out you were still alive after it, I was so happy and relieved.

I also apologize for the sudden appearance in your life. You must have a lot of questions to why I am sending you this letter of contact now. I think I can answer at least one of those questions.

First of all, I am the one who resurrected you, so this is how I know you're still alive. Secondly, I know about your struggle to use your powers, and I know that you have not been feeling yourself lately. Fortunately, I think I may know the reasoning to that.

I have missed you so much over the years, and I am so sorry for the amount of pain that I've caused you. Just know that I did it for your father's, Charlotte's, and for your sake.


Katherine Malefica

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now