Chapter 51

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Cassie rang the doorbell of the Stilinski household. Only a few seconds later, Stiles was the one to answer the door. She gave him an affectionate smile, causing him to give a guilty one in return.

"Hey," he finally said.

"Hey," she replied.

He stepped aside to let her inside the house. She looked at the living room and saw Noah sitting on the couch watching them.

"Hey, Noah."

"Hi, Cassie," he responded, a somber tone to his voice. "It's good to see you... alive."

"It's good to see you alive too," she replied, suspecting that there was something going on.

"Um, Cass, let's go talk in my room."

The witch nodded. She started to follow Stiles up the stairs, but found her eyes glued to Noah. As she read the sheriff's expression, she swore she found a hint of remorsefulness in it. She furrowed her brows, already having suspicions that something was bothering both him and Stiles.

Stiles led her to his room. She stepped inside and turned to face him as soon as he closed the bedroom door.

"Alright, spill."


"I know something's bothering you and your dad. So much to the point we're awkward with each other. So, just talk to me," Cassie explained.

He sighed nervously. He didn't know where to start with, so they just both stood there in an awkward silence as he tried to phrase the situation in his head.

"Look, when you died, I was grieving, a lot. And the people who helped me try to move on was Scott and... Malia. Malia and I, we... we started getting closer. I was already moved on from your death by then, so... I asked her to be my girlfriend... and she said yes."

Cassie was hit by an overwhelming wave of emotions. She didn't know how to feel. Of course, she was happy that he moved on from her death. She was happy that he found another girl to love. But she felt hurt at the same time. Maybe a little heartbroken.

She was still in love with him. Those feelings for him never went away considering to her, it felt like she had just died yesterday, but to him, it happened months ago. Hearing the boy she was in love with say that he found someone else -- someone that wasn't her -- hurt her so unbelievably much.

Tears pricked her eyes as a memory started to resurface from a long while before she came to Beacon Hills.

Cassie sat there, crying into Vanessa's chest as her stepmother comforted her.

"Why did I have to tell him I liked him? Of course, he didn't like me back. He doesn't even know who I am," she cried.

"Shh, shh, shh, it's gonna be okay."

"It doesn't feel like it. It feels like my heart is getting ripped out of my chest," Cassie hyperbolized. "I feel so stupid. I should've known better."

"Okay, Cassie, look at me," the woman said, grabbing her stepdaughter's face and cupping it. "You're barely fourteen. And I know this hurts, but you'll find someone else. You'll find someone who'll reciprocate those feelings for you. You're a beautiful, smart girl who has such a bright future ahead of her, and if that oblivious boy can't see the perfection in front of him, then he's the stupid one."

Cassie sniffled, tears still escaping her eyes. "What do I do if I don't find that someone?"

Vanessa sighed. "Then, you listen to my words. If you love them, you'll let them go. Be selfless. Make sacrifices. It may seem to take a long time, but it'll all be worth it in the end."

Sacrifices; Stiles Stilinski [2]Where stories live. Discover now