Chapter 62

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Cassie was still giving everyone the silent treatment. Well, both her and Malia. The girls got together and talked about everything since they knew the other had no idea what was going on. Though most of it was Cassie being Malia's personal therapist as she listened to everything Malia had to say, they both discussed on what to do.

Malia said they both leave the pack. Cassie said no.

Cassie said they confront the pack. Malia said no.

They both eventually agreed on giving all of them the silent treatment and that they'd only talk to each other until they figured out what they wanted to do.

Cassie was in her temporary room, studying for the PSATs since the school agreed to give her and some other students a second chance, when her phone rang.

She flipped it over to see the caller ID and saw that it was Derek. She assumed he was calling her for a last-minute training session. That was usually the only reason he ever called her. She accepted the call and placed the phone on top of her ear.

"What?" she asked, getting straight to the point.

"Get to the loft. Now."


"Last minute training session."

She grinned cockily, proud that she was able to guess why he called her. She heard him hang up on the other line before hanging up herself. She placed her phone back down on her desk before starting to get ready.


"Bayonet knives?" Cassie questioned.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Braeden questioned.

Before Cassie could reply, Derek spoke for her.

"She used these to fight the oni, and she was terrible at it."

"Wha- hey, I still think I fought pretty good for a beginner who's never had training in this type of combat before."

"Allison did better than you."

"Okay, well that is because she has more experience in this type of thing. I am used to using my powers as defense."

"Well, you obviously can't use them anymore, so Braeden is going to teach you how to use those."

Cassie sighed. "Okay. Where do I start?"

"First, you put the knives down. You're going to spar with me, so I can see if we need to work on your combat as well," Braeden instructed.

"Okay, just please go easy on me. I'm still pretty new at this whole thing."

They both waited for a few seconds until Cassie realized that Braeden was waiting for her to strike first. Cassie then swung her right hook, aiming for her face but planning on punching Braeden gently. Braeden caught it with ease.

"Your punches are as soft as a baby's ass," she commented before throwing Cassie's hand back.

"Well, I don't wanna hurt you."

"Don't worry about that. Just give me all you got."

Cassie nodded. She then turned her body sideways and tried to kick Braeden right in the gut. Braeden managed to move away just in time. She let Cassie swing at her with her right hook again before catching with easily. With her other hand preoccupied, Cassie threw a punch with her left, aiming for the older girl's cheek. Braeden let go of Cassie's right hand and ducked right under the left.

"Predictable, but not bad for an amateur."

Cassie seemed to take her words in pride. She got a bit more confident as she made her next moves. She noticed that Braeden was not sparring back and just kept being on the defense. She was very grateful for that, knowing that Braeden was very well a professional.

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