Episode 20 Chapter 35

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Stiles sat in the passenger's seat while Noah drove them to Eichen house. Thoughts of guilt were the only things running through his mind. The lichen that Deaton poisoned the nogitsune within him with would only last three days. To Stiles, he thought it would be best to stay in Eichen House in those three days. Not to just protect himself from the nogitsune, but to protect the others.

The father-son duo stopped in front of the double gates of basically hell. Noah looked at his son and Stiles looked at him. From his expression, Stiles could already tell that Noah was having second thoughts.

They got out of the car, peering at the large building standing tall over them. Stiles glanced at his father behind him, starting to have second thoughts as well. He tried to push those thoughts away, reminding himself that it was for the good of the pack.

A motorcycle bike started to approach them. On it was Scott. Stiles immediately assumed his best friend was there to talk him out of it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott questioned, walking up to the two.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this," Noah answered for Stiles.

"It's only seventy-two hours," Stiles tried to reassure.

"This is the same place where Barrow came from. The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies," Scott argued. He looked at Noah. "You don't know everything yet."

"I know enough. Nogitsunes, kitsunes, oni, or whatever they're called."

"Wow, that was actually all surprisingly correct," Stiles commented.

"Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's. And it terrifies me. I'm headed down to L.A. tomorrow to talk to a specialist."

"Then, why are you putting him in here?"

"He's not," Stiles spoke. "It was my decision."

"Stiles, I can't help you if you're in here."

"And I can't hurt you."

Scott shook his head. "Deaton's got some ideas. Argent's calling people. We're gonna find something, and if we can't..."

"If you can't..." Stiles paused. He stepped forward and leaned into Scott's ear. "If you can't, you have to do something for me, okay? Make sure I never get out."

He stepped back and then glanced at his dad to show that he was ready. Noah nodded, getting the indication. The gate made a buzzing sound before it unlocked for the two to come inside. Just as Stiles stepped inside, Scott shouted something to him that caused him to turn back.

"What about Cassie? She's been missing since the day before the nogitsune showed up at school."

Stiles gave him one last look. "I have a feeling I'll find her in here."


Malia popped up beside Cassie as the witch was simply just walking around.

"Hey, did you hear there was a suicide yesterday? Some new guy tried to stop it," Malia informed.

"Oh, does that mean we can't use the phone?" Malia nodded. "Damn it. I was gonna try to order some pizza because the food here is shit. I mean, what's with all the expired dairy and the rotten fruits and vegetables and the under-cooked meat."

"What's pizza?"

"Right, you basically grew up in the woods. No worries, the second we get out of here, I'll take you out and buy you a slice! If I'm being honest, it's not my favorite food, but I definitely prefer it over the food over here. What about you? What's your favorite food?"

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