Episode 10 Chapter 15

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"Don't stop, don't stop!" Derek yelled as the group ran through the doors.

Cassie noticed that Stiles had stopped running and stopped as well.

"Stiles, what are you doing?"

He ignored her calls as he went to hide behind the door. Cassie then realized what he was doing and muttered a few curse words out of annoyance. She came up from behind him, getting ready to defend in case his "plan" went wrong.

The mutated alpha came roaring through the doors. They hadn't noticed Stiles or Cassie, which gave Stiles an opportunity. He swung his bat at the alpha's head, but it broke into a million small pieces. Cassie pushed Stiles behind her when the alpha switched their gaze from Derek to them. When she saw them hesitant to attack them back, she ushered him to run through the doors on the opposite side and let Derek and Scott handle the fight.

Cassie and Stiles followed Peter all the way to an abandoned operating room. Not long after, Scott and Derek rushed in after.

"Where's the big guy?" Peter asked?

"He's close," Derek replied, shutting the double doors and locking them.

"What about Ms. Blake?" Stiles spoke. Scott shook his head. "What do you mean? What does that mean? Like, she's gone? Scott, are you kidding me?"

"Stiles," Cassie called, gaining his attention. "We'll find her, alright? Just calm down. Yelling at Scott's not gonna do anything."

Stiles sighed before reaching out to grab Cassie's hand. Cassie reached for his as well and pulled him to her side. Cassie squeezed his hand reassuringly as Scott walked to Peter.

"Is she really dying?" he asked.

"She's definitely not getting any better," Peter replied.

"There has to be something we can do. We have to help her."

The doors that Derek thought he had locked suddenly opened, making everyone turn their heads to it. Both Stiles and Cassie sighed in relief once they recognized the figure.

"You can't," Jennifer said, taking a step forward. "Only I can. I can save her and tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of alphas in this hospital that want me dead. So, I'll help you... but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then."

Derek's expression turned to anger. He took a step forward, but Scott pulled him back.

"She was trying to get out," he argued, gritting his teeth.

"I was trying to keep from getting killed," she corrected, not making the situation any better. "You can't blame me for that."

"If you want to show you're one of the good guys, heal her," Stiles spoke up.

"Not until I'm safe."

"I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion," Peter said.

"I'd also like to volunteer. At times like these, I can be very persuasive," Cassie added, flashing her purple eyes at Jennifer.

"Works for me," Derek agreed.

The was a loud squeaking noise that came from the PA system before a shaky voice came on.

"Um, can I have your attention? Mr. Deucalion- excuse me, just Deucalion... requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes."

There was a moment of silence before Jennifer spoke up.

"He's not gonna hurt her-"

"Shut up," Derek ordered.

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