Episode 16 Chapter 30

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"So, when did you get there?"

"At the same time," Stiles replied.

"At the same time as who?" Agent McCall questioned, needing more clarification.

"At the same time as me," Scott responded.

"By coincidence?"

"What do you mean 'by coincidence'?" Stiles asked.

"That's what I'm asking you. The three of you arrived at the same time. Was that coincidence?"

"Are you asking me?"

"I think he's asking me."

"I think he's asking both of you guys," Cassie jumped in.

"Okay, let me answer these questions," Agent McCall said.

"We would love that," Cassie replied, smiling innocently.

He sighed. "Let me ask the questions," the man rephrased. "Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

"Sounds about right," Stiles said.

"How did you know he'd take her to a power station?"

"Well, 'cause he was an electrical engineer. So, where else would he take her?"

The man nodded. "That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles."

"Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement," he informed, winking at Noah who was watching from his desk.

Noah snickered but quickly covered it up with a cough when Agent McCall looked back at him. "Stiles, just uh... just answer the man."

"We made a good guess."

"What were the two of you doing?" he asked, eyeing Scott and Kira.

"Eating sushi."

"Eating pizza."

They both said in unison. They looked at each other panickily.

"Eating pizza."

"Eating sushi."

They said in unison again.

"Eating sushi and pizza," they chorused.

Cassie bit the inside of her lips to seal her laughter at the way Scott sounded saying that.

Agent turned back to Noah. "You believe this?"

"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak," the sheriff replied. "But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it."

"Kira, is that how you remembered it?"

Cassie, Stiles, and Scott all looked at Kira practically begging for her to say yes with their eyes.

Kira noticed all their looks and nodded. "Yes. Could I get my phone back now?"

The man shook his head. "Sorry, but no."


Once the interrogation was over, Agent McCall opened the door for them, allowing them to step outside.

"Kira, a deputy is going to take you home. But we'll need you to fill out some paperwork first," the man said. "Cassie, I called your mother. She'll be here shortly."

Damn it. How am I supposed to explain this one?

She nodded and sent him and awkward half smile before walking away to join Stiles. She sat in the waiting chair next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You know, your mom's gonna kill you."

She sighed deeply. "Yeah... I know."

He rested his head on top of hers and interlaced their hands.

They waited with each other patiently and quietly for Cassie's mom to pick her up. Cassie had no idea what she was going to say to her mom. She was pretty sure no matter what she 'defended' herself with; her mom was gonna ground her anyway.

The door opened, making the couple lift up their heads and look towards it. They saw Cassie's mom look around the department for her. Cassie gave Stiles a small look before letting go of his hand and getting up from the chair she was sitting on. When she got up, Vanessa noticed her almost immediately.

"Mom, I know this looks bad, but-"

Her sentence was cut off when she felt Vanessa pull her into a tight hug. She furrowed her brows in confusion but hugged her back anyway.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Vanessa whispered into Cassie's shoulder, sounding like her voice would break if she had spoken any louder. She pulled away from the hug. "Let's go home, okay?"

Cassie nodded, not saying another word. She could see the worry drowned out by the relief in her mom's eyes; she didn't want to ruin it. She looked at Stiles one last time for reassurance that he was okay. He sent her a soft smile and a single nod. She looked away and followed Vanessa out the door.


Vanessa opened the front door of their home and went inside. She took off her shoes, leaving them on a show rack near the door while Cassie went inside as well and closed and locked the door behind her. Just as she was taking off her shoes, Vanessa started to speak.

"Make sure you go to bed early, okay? It's a school night."

She was confused on why her mom was being so caring. Usually in situations like this, Vanessa would scold her for being 'irresponsible'. She shrugged it off, thinking she was too tired or too used to it happening to yell at her.

Cassie reply was a simple, silent nod. Vanessa gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before going upstairs.

Cassie spotted Lottie on the couch. The older girl sent her a smile before patting on the spot next to her. Cassie reluctantly went and sat next to her.

"What happened?" Lottie asked in a gentle tone.

"I um... this new girl, Kira, she got kidnapped by some psycho who escaped from Eichen House. My friends and I were kind of there when it happened, I guess? Anyways, um... we found her and the psycho kind of got electrocuted and died and then we called the police. The police took us in and started questioning us. Then the FBI agent that's in town called mom to pick me up," Cassie explained, careful not to mention too many things. "You know, mom didn't yell at me once which was kind of weird. I'm not complaining, obviously, but it was so un-mom like of her."

Lottie nodded as she listened to Cassie. "You know what mom told me after Em's funeral? She told me to 'watch over you'. To 'make sure you stay safe in this horrid town'," Lottie said. "I think she's just worried about you. She's worried you'll have the same fate as Em. She's going through a rough time right now. We're all going through a rough time right now. So just... try not to get into any more trouble. I mean, mom and dad's already so worried about you that they're thinking of moving back to San Francisco. Obviously, you can still be a teenager and go to parties and stuff, but just be careful, alright?"

Cassie nodded. "Okay. I promise I'll be more careful."

"Good because mom and dad will kill me if you get hurt."

The sisters broke out into a small fit of laughter before quieting down.

Lottie nodded her head towards the stairs. "Now go to sleep. You have school tomorrow."

Cassie rolled her eyes at the older girl and groaned in annoyance. Lottie smiled, crinkling her nose, and pushed Cassie gently off the couch.

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