Episode 23 Chapter 42

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Cassie stood to the side as she watched Melissa make sure that Stiles was medically okay. She fiddled with her fingers as her mind was bombarded with thoughts. Just when she got Stiles back, one of her best friends was taken away by the nogitsune. At that point, she was just done with everything.

Her attention was lifted when she heard footsteps coming through the door. It was Scott. As soon as the true alpha arrived, Stiles sat up straight on the bed with eagerness in his eyes.

"Is she here?" Stiles asked.

Scott nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay, let's do this." He saw the worried looks on everyone's faces. "Guys, we have to do this."

Cassie let out an audible sigh before going to the bed to help Scott help Stiles off of it. They supported him as they all walked to the living room where Noshiko was waiting patiently.

"Do you recognize me?" the Japanese woman asked when they entered the room.

Stiles stepped forward, giving both Scott and Cassie permission to let go of him. Unexpectedly, Kira barged into the room.

"Stop," she panted.

"It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come," Stiles assured.

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords," the kitsune said. "Mom, don't do this to him."

"It's already done."

Stiles tilted his head in confusion, furrowing his brows, until he heard a small whoosh behind him.

Cassie continued to fiddle with her fingers nervously as she bit the inside of her. She felt Scott from beside her grab her hands to make them stop moving. She looked up at him and saw him send her a small smile to reassure her that Stiles would be fine. She sent a smile back before looking back at Stiles.

Two oni appeared; one behind Stiles and the other in front. The oni behind held Stiles' head back to keep him still whilst the other stared into his eyes with its glowing yellow ones that resembled fireflies. Stiles felt a small burning sensation behind his ear before the oni let go of him and disappeared.

"Look behind his ear," Noshiko said.

All of them, except Noshiko, rushed to Stiles' side to do what she had said. Kira checked behind his ear, letting the others see the kanji for self over her shoulder. They all sighed in relief once they saw the symbol.

"It worked," Scott confirmed.

"So, I'm actually me?" Stiles questioned; relief also found in his voice.

"More you than the nogitsune," Noshiko replied.

"Can the oni find him?" he asked.

"Tomorrow night. It's too close to dawn now."

Stiles scrunched up his nose out of frustration. "Can they kill him?"

"It depends on how strong he is."

"What about Lydia? Why would he take her?" Scott chimed in.

"He would only take her for an advantage," she answered.

"You mean her power?"

"The power of a Banshee." Noshiko glanced at Cassie before looking back at the other supernatural teens.

Cassie caught her look, getting that the woman knew the other reason why the nogitsune took Lydia.

The guilt hit her like a tsunami. Did he kidnap Lydia because Cassie kept refusing him?

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