Episode 2 Chapter 48

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Cassie had finally made it to the police station. She didn't know exactly where it was, but after asking a few locals, she managed to find her way.

A deputy named Parrish guided Cassie to the waiting area as he asked her questions like how old she was, what was her name, and if she remembered anything significant that got her to Beacon Hills in the first place. She was told to sit by another teenage boy on the bench, so he could run her prints.

She waited anxiously, fidgeting with her fingers and her leg bounced up and down rapidly. She really hoped she was just seeing things when she saw that gravestone. She kept telling herself that once Parrish contacted her parents, she would come home to Em and Lottie patiently waiting for her.

"So, why are you in here?" the boy asked after a while of silence.

She looked around her to make sure he was actually talking to her and not someone else. "Me?" He looked at her dead in the eyes and nodded. "I, uh... guess I don't know where my family is, but I don't really remember coming to this place at all since I grew up and live in a different city. You?"

He shrugged. "Trespassed private property and uh, I also don't know where my family is."

Cassie nodded awkwardly before going back to minding her own business.

Parrish came back to the bench, but he was talking to the boy next to her instead. She zoned out boredly as she tried thinking of excuses to come up with when her parents came to get her. Parrish was then called back to his partner deputy in the middle of his talk with the boy.

"I've ran this kid's prints eight times. This is all that comes up," his partner explained.

"What about the girl?"

"Same deal with her. I ran her prints a lot, but I keep getting this girl who died a few months ago."

He switched over to Cassie's tab and showed the boy and Cassie's tabs side by side.

"Derek Hale and Cassandra Rose Williams?" Parrish questioned.

Sheriff Stilinski walked over to them once he heard the names 'Hale' and 'Williams'. He went over to check what their prints were.

His eyes practically bulged out of his sockets when he saw the results.

He looked up at the two kids and then back at the computer back and forth. He went to where they were sitting and crouched down to their levels, so he could get a better look at their faces. His eyes flickered from Derek's and Cassie's facial features, examining them carefully. He then walked back to the computer to make sure he wasn't making any mistakes.

His train of thoughts immediately went to Cassie. How was she still alive? And, somehow, younger? He thought that since the supernatural existed, anything was possible, so the only answer he could think of was that she was resurrected.

Right on cue, both Scott and Stiles came running into the room.

Cassie looked up at the entrance when she heard sounds coming from it. She widened her eyes and looked away, silently fake cursing in her mind.

Noah sighed. "I'll handle this," he told his deputies.

The sheriff then gestured to them both to come into his office for an explanation. He leaned onto his desk, facing them as he took another breath.

"I want you to be honest with me. Absolutely and completely honest," he started. "Have you been time traveling?"

"Hang on, what?"

"Because if time traveling is real, you know what? I'm done. I'm out. You're gonna be driving me to Eichen House."

"We found them like that," Scott said.

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