Episode 7 Chapter 10

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"Good morning," Ms. Blake greeted. "As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing- I mean, sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so, let's get started, shall we?"

"Hey," Stiles whispered to Scott and Cassie. "My dad said that the E.R attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation. They just don't know how."

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott asked.

"I don't know, but guys, there's gotta be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital, at least, you know? Any one of them could be next."

Scott started getting a phone call, so he dove to his left and hid to answer it. Stiles turned back to Cassie who was doodling hearts and stars in her notebook.

"Were you listening to anything I was saying?"

"No, because I didn't know what you were talking about."

"Oh. Right," he realized. "So, basically two doctors went missing last night and we're thinking it's more sacrifices."

"Because they're healers?"

"Yeah. We don't know who could be next, though. There's at least twenty other doctors in that hospital."

"Maybe it's someone we know. Like, Melissa or Deaton or my dad," she suggested.

"I don't know, I still think Deaton might be the darach."

"He's not the darach. If he was, all this would've been happening way sooner."

"Good point. Doesn't mean I can't have my suspicions about him though."

Scott came back from his phone call with a concerned look on his face.

"What happened? What was that about?" Stiles whispered to him.

"Deaton. He said he's being taken," he replied.

Stiles awkwardly turned back to Cassie who had a sly grin on her face. He rolled his eyes at her and got out his phone.

"What was that about?" Cassie asked, already knowing.

"You were right, Deaton's gonna be taken," he sighed, dialing his dad's number down.

"Mhm, that's right I'm right."

He rolled his eyes at her again before calling his dad.


Cassie, Stiles, and Scott were now at the animal clinic where Deaton was nowhere to be found. Sheriff Stilinski walked up behind Scott and patted him on the shoulder, making Scott flinch.

"Alright," he began to speak. "We're goona do anything we can. Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school."

The three of them nodded. The sheriff walked away, leaving the three of them alone. Just after he walked away, Scott nodded towards another room, signaling for all three of them to go in there. Cassie and Stiles got the message and walked with him inside the room.

"We have to tell him," Scott said after closing the door.

"You mean like tell him, tell him, or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him," Stiles asked.

"Stiles, you know what he means," Cassie deadpanned.

"You guys remember how Scott's mom reacted? She didn't look him in the eye for, like, a week."

"And she got over it," Scott reminded. "And-and it actually made us closer."

"I don't know, dude. I mean, look at him. He's completely overwhelmed as it is."

"He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening," Scott said. "He's got people dying in this town. The town that he's supposed to protect, and it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gonna find out sooner or later."

"Yeah, but is now really the right time?"

"What if not telling him now gets someone else killed?"

"Scott, have you ever thought about if we tell him, it might get him killed?"

"Yeah, exactly," Stiles agreed. "Look, Scott, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you. I get that, okay? But this is... Scott, this is my actual father. I can't... I can't lose both my parents, alright? Not both of them."

Cassie slid her hand down to Stiles'. She took his hand in hers and interlocked them, squeezing his gently as a way to comfort him. He felt her hand in his and squeezed it back.

"You're right," Scott exhaled.

Stiles let out a long sigh. "No, I'm not. I'm not right," he said. "I'll tell him."

Scott nodded. "I'll help you."

The three glanced at each other before exiting the room. When they did, they saw Ms. Morrell standing there, speaking with Sheriff Stilinski and another cop.

"Please, whatever you need, however you can help find my brother," she spoke.

"Will you excuse us for a minute?" Noah excused before walking away with the other cop.

Just as soon as they left, her eyes landed on them. She strutted her way over to them.

"Okay, listen closely, all of you. No sheriff, deputy, or detective is going to be able to find him," she told them.

"You don't have to ask us for help," Scott spoke.

"Actually, I'm trying to help you. Because, if you're trying to find my brother, then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural."

"Lydia," Stiles realized.

Ms. Morrel glanced at Cassie before turning back to Stiles. "Sure."


"I don't know if I can do this," Cassie doubted. "The last time I tried to do a locator spell, I almost passed out."

"Cassie, the Malefica bloodline are one of the most powerful bloodlines of witches. You can do it," Ms. Morrell said.

"But I haven't done a spell like this in a really long time."

"That is not an excuse. Do you want to find my brother or not?" Cassie sighed before nodding her head. "Then do the spell."

Cassie took a shaky breath, trying to push away the doubt in her head. She lightly tapped her finger on each candle, making the flame appear after each tap. She grabbed the hand Ms. Morrell was holding out to her and the same dagger she used with Peter with her other hand. Once she leveled the dagger right above the palm of her hand, she looked up at Mr. Morrell for permission. She nodded at the witch and Cassie looked back down to her palm, focusing on it. She placed the tip of the dagger in the middle of her palm and started dragging it down, making a deep cut and a trail of crimson blood. She lifted the dagger off her palm and turned it over, letting the blood spill onto a map of Beacon Hills.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before starting to chant the spell. "Locus iste Homo."

The blood slowly started to gather into one large puddle before slowly spreading from Cassie's neighborhood street to where Deaton was held captive as Cassie chanted the spell over and over again. Blood started to drip from Cassie's nostrils and her breathing became more rapid. Ms. Morrell kept her eyes on the trail of blood as it tried to find its way to where Deaton was being held. The blood stopped and started circling around a certain area.

Cassie opened her glowing, purple eyes and took a sharp intake of air. She felt faint and her vision was blurry. There was a ringing in her ears that made Ms. Morrell's voice sound underwater. She fell backwards, making the candles' flames going out.

And then everything went black.

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