Episode 9 Chapter 64

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Lydia and Cassie stood by the main, receptionist desk in the sheriff's station.

They had gone to the station to get Parrish to look at the dead pool himself. Turned out that everyone on the new list was already dead. By some strange coincidence, they had all died by a suicide in the span of the last ten years. They had also died in the same place. Eichen House.

She would never get over the fact at how much Eichen House scared her. There was just something off about it. She couldn't explain it, but she felt like it wasn't just a place for crazy people and orphans to live in. No. It had to have some sort of secret behind it. A secret that nobody knew about except for the workers.

"Lyds, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It's the only place we'll manage to get our answers."

"I know, but Eichen House isn't some library you can use to check out textbooks with. I'm pretty sure you need a warrant to get access to files from there."

"My grandmother left me a list of ten suicides, including her own," she replied. "There's got to be a reason why. Is there anyone there who's willing to help us?"

Cassie sighed. "No, but there might be someone there who's willing to take a bribe."


Cassie and Lydia stood in front of Brunski with hopeful looks that'll he'll help them. But, knowing Brunski, Cassie highly doubted that if he did help, there wouldn't be a price.

"A thousand," he said with that annoyingly smug smirk on his face.

Cassie's eyes widened in disbelief. "A thousand dollars to use a key to get into room? That is just ridiculous."

"When you get the keys, you make the price."

"Look, just lower your price. We don't have that sort of money right now," Cassie tried to reason.

"I know you don't," he retorted. "If you did, the daddy of your little boyfriend would've paid the bill right now."

"One, that doesn't make sense. And two, he's not my boyfriend!" she defended rather quickly.

When she saw the lasting smug look on his face that was getting so annoying, she was on the verge of just slapping it right off of him, she finally gave in.

She sighed. "Fine, but I only have ten bucks on me right now."

The man not so discreetly rolled his eyes at her before looking at Lydia. She got out a black and white striped wallet and unzipped it open.

"I have five hundred," she disclosed in a bitter tone.

He grinned happily, his dumb little dimple showing. Cassie never thought she'd ever find dimples annoying until that very day. Lydia slammed separate one-hundred-dollar bills that equaled out to five hundred.

He then leaned over to the corner of his office and took out a mix tape from a small drawer. He then put it into a cassette player. Weird music started to play as he went back to the money. He picked the bills up from the desk and sniffed them.

Both Cassie and Lydia glanced at each other, sharing a weird, judgy look.

Brunski finally grabbed his keys off the desk before standing up with that same stupid grin on his face.

"Follow me."

Brunski led them into a room with the door on the outside saying 'records'. He stood by the door creepily as he watched them walked through the door and into the room.

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