Episode 14 Chapter 27

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Stiles drove into the Beacon Hills Preserve with Cassie in the passenger seat. Lydia, Allison, and Issaac came after them in a different car while Scott came in on his green motorcycle.

Stiles and Cassie got out the jeep just as Scott was taking off his helmet. The six met up in the middle of all their vehicles.

"Anyone else think we might be doing more harm than good?" Lydia asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"We're trying to keep a father from trying to kill his own daughter," Scott informed.

"Actually, we're trying to keep a guy from killing a coyote who is actually his daughter, who we don't know how to change from a coyote to his daughter," Issaac corrected.

Stiles glared at him. "And again, with the not helping," he commented.

Scott took a deep breath to keep from shouting at them to stop bickering. He turned around to face Allison.

"Did you bring it?"

Allison nodded. She opened the trunk of her car and took out a weirdly shaped gun.

A loud gunshot was heard from afar. Scott immediately mounted on his bike and drove away despite Stiles' shouts for him to wait up. Allison, Issaac, and Lydia followed after him, leaving Stiles and Cassie alone.

Stiles' phone started to ring. He got his phone out of his pocket and accepted the call which was from his dad.

"It took the doll again? What the hell is so important about this doll?"

"I don't know. But listen to me. There are traps all over the woods. Near the trails, probably near the car crash. And Tate is out there with a rifle. I want you to stay out of those woods. You got that? Stiles?"

Stiles looked up at Cassie who looked just as confused as Noah sounded.

"It's the doll," he realized. "It's the doll?"

"I guess that explains why she tried to attack Kira in the locker room," Cassie added.

"Alright, but why would it go all the way to the school and then all the way back to the house just for a doll? One that was in a car wreck in the first place? We didn't find it in the coyote den."

"Well, it's obvious the doll is special to her. Maybe it was like flowers at a gravestone or something."

And that's when it hit her. Maybe the doll wasn't her doll.

"Stiles, you took a picture of the doll, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I see it?"

He took out his phone and showed her the picture he took from when he and Scott were investigating the Tate house. The pictured showed Malia, a younger girl, and the doll.

"The one in the blue coat's Malia, right?" Cassie questioned.

"Yeah, that's the jacket and the scarf we found at the den."

"Stiles, she's not the one that's holding the doll. Her sister is."

"It's her doll." He looked at Cassie with realization in his eyes. "I know what she's doing."


He looked back at the photo. "I know where she's going."

"Stiles, that doesn't exactly answer my question."

"I'll explain on the way. Come on."

He grabbed her hand and started pulling her into the same direction the others went in.

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