Episode 16 Chapter 31

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"Class starts in five minutes," Coach announced through a megaphone. "Just because there's no power, don't expect there to be no school."

Cassie was in her locker putting concealer under her eyes to cover up her dark circles. The night before, she hadn't gotten much sleep. She spent most of the night thinking about what Lottie had said to her. She didn't know how she was going to stay out of trouble and danger when her friends are supernatural beings. Plus, Allison and Stiles.

"Hey! There's my favorite girl!"

She let out a small yelp when she felt two big arms strap around her waist. She quickly calmed herself down when she saw it was just Stiles.

"You scared the shit out of me," she mumbled, putting her beauty blender back in her makeup bag.

"Why are you doing your makeup right now? Don't you usually do it at home?"

"I woke up late, and I didn't have a chance to do it at home," she replied while putting her makeup bag in her backpack. She saw him look at her suspiciously in her small mirror. "What? Makeup takes time."

"You just seem like a little out of it. Did you actually sleep last night?"

"Of course, I slept last night," she lied.

"Huh, okay," he replied, letting the topic drop.

"Now what are you here for? You usually don't call me your 'favorite girl' unless you need something."

He chuckled nervously, realizing that he had been caught. He moved his hands to her waist, so he wasn't just hugging her anymore and turned her around.

"Can you look in your grimoire to see if you can find anything about what Kira is?"

"Stiles, I already looked and all I could find were kitsunes."


"Yeah. They're these trickster fox spirits in Japanese folklore. I have to do more research tonight though because that's all I know about them."

"I'll help you. Tonight at six?"

She nodded. "Sure."

They gave each other a quick peck on the lips before separating to go to their classes.


Cassie was walking to her English class after lunch.

"Cassie!" a female voice called from behind her.

She looked back and saw that Lydia was coming up to her.

"Hey, Lyds. What's up?"

The strawberry-blonde took a small breath before continuing. "Can you go to a party with me tonight? It's a Halloween Blacklight party."

"You're asking me if I want to go to a party?"

"Well, I was going to ask Allison, but she's doing something with Issaac. And Scott and Stiles are helping the new girl, Kira, with something-"

"Wait, Scott and Stiles are doing what?"

"Helping the new girl. I didn't listen much, but they're breaking into the police station or something like that," Lydia replied. "So anyways, you don't have any plans tonight, so I just figure I'd ask you."

"How do you know I don't have plans?"

"Do you?"

Cassie sighed. "No. No, I don't." Lydia looked at her with a pleading look on her face. "Fine! Fine, I'll go with you. But you owe me afterwards."

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