Episode 4 Chapter 55

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Cassie was casually trying to find clues of what happened during the murder case Stiles had asked her to help him solve it. She needed something to do to distract her from the overly dramatic argument she had with Stiles. She was also pretty bored and had pretty much nothing to do.

She blasted loud music in her black headphones as she examined the photos of the crime scene Lydia had given her. Lydia had also told her that the family was a family of wendigos.

As she examined the photos, she started to feel more and more sick to her stomach. The dead bodies in body bags hanging from the walls, the dried blood splattered everywhere on the floor and walls. Everything was so horrifying that she was starting to wish that she hadn't agreed to help Stiles with the case. But she did need that pencil, so she pretty much didn't have a choice.

There was something off about the murders. There was no way that someone would just casually break into someone's home and murder the entire family without a motive. Love, money, jealousy, hostility.

But she did her research. She went of each of the family members' social media accounts. None of them seemed like they had enemies, so hostility and jealousy were off the list.

Cassie was completely stumped about the murder case. Trying to solve it wasn't doing her any good on trying to take her mind off Stiles. Half the time, she'd been thinking that she should just go to Stiles for help. Also, about the fact that law enforcement was definitely not a career choice for her.

Cassie walked up the stairs of the Stilinski house. With Melissa's permission, she walked to Stiles' house, and with Noah's permission, she went up to his room. But nothing could've prepared her for what she saw in his room.

There Stiles and Malia were, sitting on Stiles' bed as Stiles wrapped straps attached to chains around her wrists.

"It's not what it looks like," Stiles quickly denied.

Cassie smirked teasingly, a hint of jealousy in her eyes. "Wow, Stilinski, you've gotten kinky."

He stood up from the bed. "Cass-"

"Well, uh... looks like you two are definitely getting busy, so I'll just be on my way."

"Wha- hey, Cass, wait." His eyes trailed down to her hands which were very tightly holding a plastic bag full of photos and stacks of note cards. "Hey, what are you holding?" he asked, trying to grab the bag out her hands.

She pulled it away. "Nothing, it's none of your business."

"Seriously, Cass, just give it to me."

"It's fine. I can handle it myself."

"Well, clearly not, considering you walked all the way here just so you could show me it."

"How do you know I was going to show you it? What if I were gonna show it to your dad, huh?"

"Then, you would've given it to him already. Just give me the thing, Cass."

"No! I can handle it myself!" she argued stubbornly, trying to keep the plastic bag away from him.

"Stop trying to hide it from me! We're supposed to be a team. Teams don't hide stuff from each other!"

"I'm not hiding anything from you!"

He scoffed, crossing his arms. "Oh, really? Then, what's in that bag?"

She started to stammer. "I- well, I- um... okay, yeah, maybe I am hiding something from you, but it's none of your business."

"Of course. You always have to do this every single time."

"Excuse me, always? What is that supposed to mean?"

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