Episode 23 Chapter 43

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Cassie set up each wax candle in a circle in the middle of the Beacon Hills Preserve as her eyes scanned the words of the page inside her grimoire. Once the candles were set up, she sat in the middle of the circle crisscross with her grimoire lying on the ground beside her. She used a simple fire-lighting spell to light each and every one of the candles at the same time before continuing the ritual.

She was nervous. The first time she had done the spell was when Deaton was there to help and guide her through it. Now, she didn't have Deaton with her in that moment. What if she couldn't do it? What if she wasn't powerful enough to do it by herself? What if she failed? She couldn't help but think of those exact questions that doubted herself.

She took a deep breath, trying her hardest to make those thoughts disappear. She closed her eyes, making sure that Lydia was the only thing on her mind. She evened out her breathing and started to concentrate on finding Lydia and finding Lydia only. Cassie subconsciously held out her arms, leveling them to just below her chest, before starting to chant the spell.

"Per Virtutem Malefica Sanguinis, Invenio et Collocant Lydia Martin."

As Cassie recited the spell repeatedly, she could feel a cold gust of wind blowing to the direction her back was facing. She heard the faint whoosh of the flames of the candles go out due to the pressure of the wind.

Dark purple veins started to trail up her arms, following the path of her normal, but unnoticeable, veins. She opened her eyes as the words of the incantation came out of her mouth, revealing her purple glowing irises. But the vibrate purple was soon overlapped by the blackness of her pupil. She blinked once, and her eyes were already pitch black.

Cassie then yelled out the spell one last time. She blinked, another gust of wind setting the wicks of the candles on fire as the veins and blackness of her eyes faded away.

She released a relieved and happy sigh as her eyes became teary. She had found Lydia.


Cassie was sitting in the backseats of Stiles' jeep with Issaac next to her, Scott in the passenger seat, and Stiles driving.

As soon as she cleaned up the mess she made in the woods, she immediately called Scott to let him know that she had located where the nogitsune kept Lydia.

They all sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence as Stiles drove to the location. He glanced at Scott who had a distressed and worried look on his face. He then looked in the rearview mirror to see that both Issaac and Cassie had the same expressions.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, mainly to Scott since he was beside him.

Scott looked up at him. "Yeah. Yeah, you don't have to worry about me."

"Alright, I'll say it; you look like you're dying," Issaac spoke up.

"Issaac!" Cassie said in a scolding manner.

"What? Look at him. He's pale, thin, and he looks like he's getting worse. And we're all sitting here thinking it," the beta reasoned. "When we find the other you, is he gonna look like he's getting better?"

"What happens if he gets hurt?" Scott asked.

"You mean, if he dies, do I die?" Stiles shrugged. "I don't care. Just so long no one else dies because of me. I remember everything I did, Scott. I remember pushing that sword into you. I remember twisting it. I remember all the horrible things I said to Cass."

"It wasn't you," Scott denied.

"Yeah, but I remember it. You guys gotta promise me. You can't let anyone else get hurt because of me."

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