Episode 2 Chapter 49

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Cassie followed Derek and Kate closely behind, glancing behind her back from time to time. She was terrified considering she had no idea where Kate was taking them, it was dark, and the fact that if she needed to protect herself from something, she would be completely defenseless seeing as she had barely any control over her powers. It was also really cold which made her regret coming even more.

"Derek," Cassie called in a hushed tone, tugging Derek back with his arm.

Once Derek was facing her, she looked behind him to see if Kate had stopped as well. She looked back at Derek once she made sure Kate wasn't stopping to wait.

"I have a bad feeling about this," she whispered.

He scoffed. "What are you, psychic?"

"I honestly have no idea," she replied. "It just seems weird. How did she know where you were? And if she were planning on finding you, how come she didn't get you when you were at the sheriff's station?"

"Cassie, you're just being paranoid. I told you. I trust her."

"So, you're telling me that you don't find her sudden presence before you suspicious?"

Derek stayed silent, not knowing what to answer with. Instead of responding, he just walked away.

Cassie groaned in exasperation, frustrated with the older boy. She quickly caught up with him and Kate, figuring that if Kate was really bad, she should be with Derek to protect him. Well, try to protect him.

The three got to the Beacon Hills High School sign. Derek flicked out his claws on command, causing Cassie to widen her eyes in shock. She couldn't believe that she had just now found out Derek was a werewolf.

He put the tip of his claws on this symbol that was engraved on the side of the sign. He kept turning it to the right then left before the symbol was automatically pushed into the sign. Kind of like a trap door, the sign twisted itself horizontally, revealing a hidden case of stairs underneath.

They all made their way down the stairs to a gate that Derek simply pushed open. They walked through, looking around the room. Derek went off to the left somewhere with Cassie following while Kate creepily went to a steel safe with another symbol engraved on it.

Cassie awkwardly stood behind Derek as he searched the shelves for the triskelion Kate was looking for. When he did, he smiled proudly at himself before grabbing it off the shelf.

"Not that," he said, walking towards Kate with Cassie following behind.

He took the lid off the wooden box and showed her the triskelion.

"This is it?" she asked, taking it out the box. He nodded. "You're sure?"


She furrowed her brows as she flipped it over to examine it. "It doesn't look like much."

"That's 'cause it isn't," a voice said, descending down the stairs.

They all turned their heads towards the voice's direction.

"Quite the elaborate scheme you have here, Kate," the man said. "Two countries, Aztec temple, Cassie brought back from the dead and returned to her younger self, Derek returned back into a teenage. One who trusted you One that loved you. All this complication just to gain access to our vault. Just to get your hands on that little piece of junk. Turn it over, go ahead. There's a scrape on the back where it used to say 'made in China'."

"You're lying," she replied.

"I admit, I have a tendency to exaggerate things, but in this case, the truth is so much more fun. Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. That little pendent is just a physical object to focus on. It's training wheels. Talia used it to teach Laura. I tried to use it to teach Derek."

There was a sudden loud roar that echoed from the distance. Though it sounded far away, all four of them could hear it loud and clear.

Kate ignored it, turning to Derek and grabbing the back of his head.

"Is this real? Tell me if this is real," she commanded.

"Didn't you hear that? That was Scott. I just heard Scott-"


"I don't know, and I don't care!"

Then, without saying anything else, Derek ran off. Kate's gaze then turned to Cassie who was practically paralyzed as she just stood there not knowing what to do.

"You know what? I'm just gonna..."

She pointed to the stairs before running out after Derek. She soon found him fighting two large creatures that had bodies made of bones. She saw one of them turn their heads to her and started to regret coming after him.

"Yeah, definitely should've just stayed in that creepy basement thing," she muttered.

Derek turned his head behind him quickly before going back to block the creature's attack on him.

"Cassie? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Honestly, I have no idea, and now I deeply regret following you and Kate here in the first place," she replied, backing up each time the creature took a step towards her.

"What are you doing? Go! Run!"

Cassie glanced at Derek and started to hesitate. Her mindset was basically that she couldn't leave him alone fighting these two creatures. But she knew she would just be a distraction if she stayed any longer.

She then turned tail and ran the other direction as fast as she could. Derek saw the creature running after her. He tried to attack it to distract it with himself, but the one behind him sliced his lower leg with its claw.

Cassie could hear it running after her. She tried to ignore it, trying to focus on her getting away from it as much as she could. She then felt it slash a large slit on her back, causing her to fall onto her stomach. She tried to get up as soon as she hit the ground, but the creature was faster. It turned her body around, so she was facing it. It lifted its arm in the air, readying itself to slice her more. She turned her head to the side, closing her eyes shut as she prepared herself to die yet again.

Then that's when it happened.

The creature was suddenly thrown into one of the cement pillars beside them. Once she heard the thud, she opened her eyes and saw the results.

Did she do that?

Cassie stood up from the ground, astonished by her own doing. She wanted to see if she could more. She knew it would possibly end up as her dying again, but she figured she didn't care. If she died once, she could do it again.

She ignored the ache in her back from the cut it had given her. Cassie balled her hands into fist, her nails crushing into her skin. She focused on doing the same thing to the creature again. But as her nails went deeper and deeper, her body started to flicker between her present and older self.

The creature then exploded; its bones scattering everywhere. It wasn't exactly what she was aiming for, but it still worked fine. She covered herself with her arms, so she wouldn't get hit in the face by the bones. When she unveiled her arms from her head, it revealed seventeen years old Cassie. The Cassie that everyone had seen die.

She started to feel faint as her vision slightly blurred. She heard someone from behind her call out her name. She turned around but could only see two blurry figures standing a few meters away from her. One of them holding an aluminum bat while the other looked like they had strawberry-blonde hair. Before she could even stumble one step to them, she collapsed onto the ground, passing out.

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