Chapter 15: Training

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A few months (moons) later

    "Show me a battle move," demanded a black tom with green eyes and white splotches as he danced around Halftail's paws.

    Halftail let out a purr of amusement and nudged him gingerly away. "I've been showing you battles moves for the past few days. Can't you give me a break?"

    The tom shook his head madly. "I have to be ready! That's what Zeb always says."

    Halftail rolled his eyes as he lowered down. His son had grown in the past three moons, but he was still small and a kit. The whole crew had pitched in to help raise him, but Halftail always reminded them that he was his father and what he said goes.

    "Oh it is," murmured Halftail as he yawned.

    The tom leaped onto Halftail's shoulders and nodded. "Yeah! He said once you and mother fought an army of the Empire," he exclaimed.

    Halftail sat up and and the tom slid from his back. "He may have been exaggerating that, Swifttail. I think we only fought a few soldiers," he argued as he licked his paw and drew it over his ear in a quick grooming ritual.

    Swifttail shook his head. "I also heard from Hera that you and mother took down a large bird and lion creature," he exclaimed, his whiskers twitching.

    Halftail rolled his eyes before he looked over to Swifttail. "Maybe one day you'll take down one too."

    "I can! I can," chanted Swifttail before he turned and looked at Sorrel as she strode forward. He lowered into a crouch and growled playfully. Sorrel lowered in front of him before they both leaped, landing and tussling around.

    Halftail was just glad that Swifttail had found someone else to pester. He strode up the ladder and into the cockpit. He saw Hera and Kanan talking and he looked upward. "Find anything interesting?"

    Kanan looked backwards. "Oh, hi, Halftail! Yeah, we found a raid on Coruscant," he answered and once he saw Halftail stiffen he continued. "It's okay. We're going to the Underworld."

    "Yeah, because that's always a nice place," muttered Halftail as he rolled his eyes.

    Hera chuckled. "It's just a recon mission, with some fresh supplies as well. I thought that maybe Swifttail wouldn't mind joining us," she suggested.

    Halftail looked up in shock. "S-Swifttail," he stammered before he shook his tail. "No way! He's only three moons old."

    "There won't be anyone there," argued Kanan as he sat back with folded arms. "Besides, you can't keep him cooped up forever."

    Halftail shook his head madly. "I'm not trying too. I just want to keep him safe and it's safe here," he explained as he thrust a paw down harshly.

    Hera turned back to staring into space. "I suppose I could watch him, but don't be surprised if he ends up flying the ship," she sighed with a shrug.

    A growl rolled in Halftail's throat. "Alright, but I want all eyes on him. If anything happens to him, I don't know what I'd do," he confessed as he turned and strode from the cockpit, wishing he wouldn't have gone in in the first place. He didn't need them to tell him where Swifttail should and shouldn't go. He was his son after all!

    He looked over to where his son was and saw that Sorrel was teaching him a new battle move, one that he had taught her a few moons before. Bine had been there, giving the Ocelot pointers every so often, but she had allowed Halftail to take the lead. She knew how much teaching meant to Halftail.

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