Chapter 85: Plans, Or Something Like That

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    Molis's head darted upward sharply as he heard a scream. Adlerleaf's scream. He was about to trek toward Adlerleaf's direction but before he could, Keen surged in the opposite direction. "Keen," called Molis as Keen continued to race in the opposite direction. "Keen!"

    He swore under his breath as he traveled back after Keen. He bounded down the hallway and his eyes widened as he saw Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb all facing what appeared to be two new Inquisitors. He gasped in alarm, but to his surprise, Keen showed no fear. He spread his powerful, large wings and used his tail to curl around his lightsaber.

    "Are you crazy," spat Molis as the fur along his spine stood on end.

    Keen spun on Molis and Molis couldn't believe the amount of maturity he saw shinning Keen's eyes. "I can't just let them die," he gasped as he surged forward and flew into the air. He landed into one of the Inquisitors so that they couldn't slice their own lightsabers in Ezra's direction. Ezra seemed as surprised as anyone to see Keen while Keen seemed to be taking on a new confidence.

    One of the Inquisitor's—a female—lunged for Keen. Keen lifted his lightsaber and the two collided, making Keen's tail quake a bit with the effort to keep his lightsaber in front of his face. He then managed to push forward and the Inquisitor fell backwards. "Run," he called as he lowered his head into his shoulders and his wings thrust above her head.

    The group turned and ran with Keen bringing up the rear, making sure that everyone was safe. He surged forward with his paws tucking against his chest as he bolted.

    Suddenly, something slammed into him, knocking him sideways. His lightsaber deactivated, and when he looked upward, he saw a silver furred snow leopard with armor over most of her body. Her silver eyes shone in evil as she breathed heavily on his muzzle. He wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Who are you," he murmured as he tried desperately not to allow his voice to shake.

    The she-cat's eyes glowed as she purred, her breath still stinking. "I'm Myris. You're friends with a pretty young she-cat, aren't you," she murmured into Keen's ear.

    Keen tensed at the mention of Adlerleaf. "What have you done to her," he roared as he tried to pull away from Myris. However, Myris just dug her claws deeper into Keen's body and Keen stiffened in agony.

    She leaned even more forward until her nose grazed Keen's erect ear. She sniffed deeply, uncomfortableness spreading through Keen. "I haven't done anything yet," she breathed before she drew back and stared into Keen's hard eyes. "But, I think that she'd want to see you."

    Keen pulled so hard on his shoulders that her claws ripped even deeper and he swore that they grazed tough bone. He groaned with his teeth clenched and head tilting backwards. "If you so much as hurt a hair on her pelt I'll—"

    "You'll what," taunted Myris as she rolled her eyes. "You're not exactly in any position to threaten me. You're just a pup, in no match of actually being a Padawan."

    Keen opened his mouth to say something, but Myris thrust a paw against his muzzle to hold it shut. "Don't try to argue it. Just shut your muzzle before I shut it for you."

    Keen tore away from her with his eyes narrowed to such slits that Myris had to take him seriously. "I will never take orders from a cat like you," he spat in her face with his tail lashing.

    Myris stood upright before he thrust her hind paw against the side of his head. The whole world for Keen went black.


    Keen groaned when he awoke. At first, he thought that he saw his parents standing across from him, but when he turned his head, they were gone. He craned his head even more, and when he did so, he saw Adlerleaf laying beside him. Her head was hung, but her front paws were bound together in front of her. Keen had no idea if she was sleeping or not, but he was sure that she had been knocked out like he had been.

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