Chapter 65: Lion Attack

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    The next day Halftail, Kanan, Adlerleaf, Keen, Sabine, and Ezra all laid on top of a bridge that was close to Lothal. Kanan looked through the binoculars before he passed them to Halftail. Halftail grasped them firmly in his paws and when he peered through them, be saw the Imperial Broadcasting Tower. He also saw numerous Stormtroopers guarding the door.

    "So that's where we're going," sighed Halftail as he passed the binoculars back to Kanan.

    "Are you nervous," inquired Keen as he looked over to Halftail.

    Halftail snorted, stretching out his neck to lick Keen behind the ear. "A bit. You should be too!"

    Keen ducked his head back, leaning forward a bit to try and get a closer look. "I'm nervous, but I'm also excited! I'm going to do what my parents used to do!"

    "And look where it got them," snapped Ezra as he stood and towered over Keen, his voice raising in defiance.

    Halftail sucked in breath quickly as he saw someone turn to try and look at them. "Get down," he hissed as he sunk his claws into the back of Ezra's legs and took them out from under him. He landed harshly on his stomach, the wind knocked from his lungs. Halftail pressed against Ezra's legs urgently. He didn't let go until he was sure that whoever had been looking at them had passed. 

    "Thanks," panted Ezra as he rubbed some blood from the back of his legs where Halftail's claws had torn the flesh.

    Halftail dipped his head before he pressed against Keen and Adlerleaf. "No problem." He suddenly turned his head to the rest of the crew. "Now can we please get out of here? Being up here makes my pelt prickle."

    Keen flicked his ears. "I love being up here! Flying is amazing."

    Halftail wasn't so sure about that. He had no interest in being anywhere where his paws couldn't touch the ground.

    Suddenly, Kanan turned to glance at Sabine. "You have three minutes. Can you scan the specs?"

    Sabine nodded vigorously. "I can do it in five minutes."

    Kanan huffed as he looked away. "That's too long. Do it in three," he pressed as he laid on his belly to keep himself from being seen. Halftail thought it was actually a comical sight. He had never seen Kanan reduced to cowering on his belly like a snake. 

    "I can't do it in three, but I can do it in five," argued Sabine as she sat up.

    Adlerleaf lashed her tail. "At least start. I don't like being up here any more than Halftail does," she mumbled as she looked down, fear making her paws shake.

    Sabine gave Kanan a firm nod of her head as she began to scan the building. Suddenly, Keen's eyes widened and he pointed a shaky paw at a droid.

    "It's a recorder," Halftail growled in Kanan's ear as he saw it turn to look directly at them.

    Adlerleaf's fur spiked along her spine. "What are we going to do? Sabine isn't done yet," she grumbled as she lashed her tail.

    "Well, we can't just wait here for the rest of the Empire to find us," spat Halftail as he curled his claws into his pads, causing them to bleed.

    Ezra suddenly extended his hand and everyone turned silent. A small cat leaped from the tall grasses and landed on the droid. The droid spun for a while under the cat's weight until it fell into the grass and exploded. The cat bounded away unscathed and Halftail couldn't suppress a purr.

    Sabine gave a firm nod. "Done."

    "Now let's get out of here," meowed Halftail as he readied himself to leap down. There wasn't much he liked less than being up on that bridge any long than he needed to be.

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