Chapter 49: Saving The Day

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    Halftail gritted his teeth in frustration as his paws trembled while he tried to hold the Ghost steady. Beside him, Kanan was attempting to steer and was having just as many problems as Halftail.

    "What is going on here," inquired Bluefeather from behind Halftail.

    Halftail chuckled. "We don't even know," he confessed as he swiveled in his seat, ready for Bluefeather to show Kanan what she could do. "Would you like to take over?"

    Bluefeather smiled and she darted forward and nearly pulled Halftail from his seat. "Like you had to ask? Let me show you what I can do."

    Halftail leaped from the seat and Blufeather took her position. "Give me forward controls," Bluefeather demanded as she looked over to Kanan.

    Kanan looked over to Bluefeather and his eyebrows raised. "Why should I give you controls? I think that I have everything under control."

    Bluefeather seemed a bit taken aback by Kanan's comment, but Halftail was quick to take a step forward and dip his head in respect. "Just let her do it, Kanan. Bluefeather is being trained by Hera. Let her show you what she can do."

    Kanan seemed reluctant to the idea, but he eventually nodded. He passed the controls to Bluefeather and she took them with strong paws. She banked harshly and Halftail nearly fell sideways. He shook his head to clear it before turning stiffly and padding from the cockpit, knowing that everything was good in Bluefeather's paws.

    He bounded down the hallway and saw Birchfoot limping toward him. "Have you seen Swifttail," he asked, fear showing in his eyes.

    Halftail blinked in surprise. "No. I thought he was with you training all day," he meowed as he looked around, expecting to see Swifttail lurking somewhere in the shadows.

    Birchfoot shook his head gravely. "He was, but when he heard that Adlerleaf was in trouble he left and I don't know where he went," he fretted.

    Halftail stifled a sigh. "Don't worry, I'll find him," Halftail assured as he touched his nose to Birchfoot's ear. He then turned and bounded forward, thinking that Swifttail was probably in his father's room. That was usually where he went when he wanted to be alone since he was the only one that dared go in there without an invite.

    He strode to his room and opened it using the force. There, he saw Swifttail sitting with his back toward the door. He didn't even dare look back, but Halftail kept walking forward. "Swifttail."

    Swifttail turned sharply even thought he already knew it was his father. "I knew that it wouldn't take long before you found me. Did Birchfoot send you?"

    Halftail sighed as he strolled toward Swifttail. "Yes, he did. He's worried about you," he confessed as he stopped beside his son and sat down heavily.

    Swifttail opened his mouth a bit to reveal pointed teeth. "I doubt that he was really worried. Besides, I haven't been gone that long," he argued.

    "Birchfoot cares for you, Swifttail. He hasn't had a lot of friends in his life and you're one of them. That's why he's so concerned," meowed Halftail with a nod of his head.

    Swifttail's shoulders relaxed. "Well, I'm sorry. I just wanted to be alone and here is the only place that I could think of. I'm sorry if I worried him."

    Halftail was surprised by his son's cold tone. "You're worried about Adlerleaf, aren't you?"

    "Aren't you," Swifttail nearly wailed as he turned to face his father, his body tensed and fur bristling.

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