Chapter 24: Ancient Names

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Three days later, the Ghost was as good as new, sort of. The holes in the ship were covered in tar and then covered in another thick substance that Shadow had assured them wouldn't catch on fire. Shadow even knew a few herbs for burns and smoke lung as he called it since Adler couldn't stop coughing since the fire.

In return for Shadow's help, Molis and Halftail had hunted for Shadow and caught him a nice bull creature that Shadow had gratefully excepted. Now, they were almost on their way, but Adler still wouldn't leave without a proper burial of Sorrel. So, everyone gathered and listened to what Adler had to say.

"You were a fantastic friend and I loved how we used to play and spar together. I'm very much going to miss you and I think that you more than earned a name such as Sorrelspeck," she announced as she lowered her head and licked her friend between the ears once last time.

Halftail tilted his head to look at Molis. "Do you really think Sorrelspeck earned her ancient name," he inquired as he looked to Adler.

Adler plastered her ears against her head. "Of course I do! Why? You Don't?! You wolf-heart," she snapped as her lips drew back in a snarl.

Halftail shook his head. "I think that if she earned her name then so did you and Birch," he explained as Swifttail and Sabine nodded in agreement. Zeb just rolled his eyes while Kanan and Hera's eyes shown. Chopper just looked ready to get out of there, but Shadow seemed thoughtful.

"There are very few here who have that honor. The old ways are gone, but we can carry them on," Shadow breathed as he looked to Adler and Birch.

Halftail took a step forward, close to Sorrel. "I say this over the body of Sorrelspeck. She has earned her ancient name so now I believe it's time for Adler and Birch to have that honor. Adler, from this heartbeat on you shall be known as Adlerleaf! Birch, from this moment you shall be known as Birchfoot! We are honored to have such wonderful crew members against us to hunt the Empire!"

Both purred before Swifttail strode over to Shadow. "You said that few have that honor, right," he inquired with his ears and whiskers twitching.

Shadow dipped his head. "That's right, little one," he meowed with gentle eyes. "Why?"

"All those in favor of giving Shadow an ancient name say I," shouted Swifttail as he lifted his tail, indicating that he said yes.

"I," purred Halftail as Adlerleaf's and Birchfoot's mews echoed after his. Kanan and Hera actually joined in. Molis did as well, but he had to nearly push Zeb off his feet to get him to answer. They just didn't understand animal customs or cultures and Halftail didn't expect them too. However, support was nice. Chopper even joined in, but not before he nearly electrocuted Sabine for agreeing.

Swifttail smiled. "Then I think you should be known as Shadowhunter," he answered as he gazed at Shadow's powerful muscles, despite his older age.

Shadowhunter lowered down as much as he could and touched his nose to Swifttail's ear. "I like that name a lot," he wheezed painfully as his usual milky eyes glowed. "Thank you, Swifttail."

Swifttail reared on his hind legs to press his nose against Shadowhunter's chest. Shadowhunter hunkered down and wrapped a paw around him. Once Swifttail drew back he looked toward the Ghost. "Are you coming with us?"

Shadowhunter frowned and shook his head. "I'm afraid not. This forest is my home. I can't leave it, at least not yet," he confessed with gentle eyes.

Tears formed in Swifttail's eyes. "But I'll miss you," he argued.

Shadowhunter sighed heavily. "I know, but I know that I'll see you again someday. It might be soon, or it might not be," he explained as he licked Swifttail's ear.

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