Chapter 75: Trouble On Lothal

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    The group boarded a shuttle since it was decided that the Ghost would attract way too much attention. Halftail was the last one aboard and he saw Swifttail and Adlerleaf speaking quietly to one another, heads bowed together. He was about to stride over to them, but Birchfoot intercepted him, his limp more prominent than normal.

    "May I speak with you," he asked hopefully with a tilt of his head.

    Halftail gulped before he nodded, wondering what it could be about. "S-Sure," he stammered as he stalked forward, taking a seat in the back. Birchfoot hopped over before he leaped onto the seat next to Halftail. Halftail realized how much Birchfoot had grown as of late. He wasn't exactly a large cat; then again Brook wasn't exceptionally large, and from what Halftail had heard, neither was Birchfoot's father.

    Birchfoot arched his back in a stretch. He glanced around, leaning backwards stiffly. "I think that Swifttail and Adlerleaf are pretty happy together, don't you," he pressed.

    Halftail didn't like where he thought this conversation was going and he wanted nothing more than to rake his claws against Birchfoot's muzzle. However, that wouldn't be that polite, so he just shook his head. "Maybe, maybe not; I don't know," he lied. Anyone with half a brain could tell that Swifttail and Adlerleaf were in love.

    Birchfoot rested his tail across Halftail's shoulders. Halftail sighed. "Look, Halftail, I know this is hard to realize that your son has found happiness but-"

    "He had happiness before," spat Halftail quickly and under his breath. He shrugged Birchfoot's tail from his shoulder and tried not to let his anger get the best of him.

    Birchfoot's eyes softened since he knew how difficult this was for Halftail. "Halftail, I'm sorry for what happened to Bine, but you can't not let Swifttail live his own life. I think that he's found his true happiness. Perhaps you should find some yourself."

    Horror shot through Halftail. "You think that I could take another mate?!"

    Birchfoot shook his head vigorously. Halftail leaned forward and he could smell his rancid breath, making Birchfoot's fur spike. "I, er, don't know," meowed Birchfoot as if he was walking on his claws. "I didn't mean to make you hostile toward me."

    Halftail leaped down from the seat with his fur bristling so that he looked twice his normal size. "For your information I will never take another mate!"

    He stomped away from Birchfoot with tears stinging in his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't want Swifttail and Adlerleaf to be happy; it was that he knew what was going to happen as soon as they became mates. Brist had foretold it. There was no reason for him to lie. Halftail couldn't allow this to happen to his son! 

    "Halftail, do you want to sit by me," offered Molis from where he sat in the front. Bluefeather was sitting in a seat behind him and was talking quietly to Keen.

    Halftail perked up a bit thinking that maybe Molis would put him in a better mood. He leaped up beside him and sighed. "So how are things with Bluefeather?"

    Molis blushed and Halftail realized that he didn't really like talking about his relationship. Most toms were like that, but Halftail was the opposite. He was going to get Molis to talk even if he had to revert to devious methods.

    "We're good, I think. However, when I think things are going good, they aren't." He hung his head. "I'm not that good at this yet."

    Halftail felt empathy toward Molis. Bine and him really didn't have that many arguments, but when they did, Halftail had to learn when to fight back and when to tell her that she was right. "You'll get used to it, I promise."

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