Chapter 63: Tricked

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    Halftail helped Birchfoot sort as many herbs as he could. He didn't remember the names of any of them, but he learned how to dispose of any wrinkled or wilted leaves from Birchfoot. Anything that couldn't be used Birchfoot wanted disposed of and not near the other herbs. There were also seeds, berries, and stems to go through as well. Birchfoot chose to do that himself.

    "So, when did you know that you wanted to be a healer," wondered Halftail as he pushed the leaves they didn't need to the front of the room with his muzzle.

    Birchfoot seemed a bit taken back by Halftail's sudden question, giving his ear a flick. "Since I was pretty young. I was born with this bum leg." He nodded a head toward his hind leg and gave a disproving sniff. "But Adlerleaf always told me that I could be a Claw if I wanted." He noticed Halftail tilt his head in confusion, so he gave some more information. "They're sort of like hunters and fighters for our pride. They keep the pride fed and protected. Anyway, it just wasn't for me. I can't hunt and I can't fight, at least not well. It wasn't worth me trying. Besides, I always had a knack for memory and being able to save lives fascinated me, especially when my pride was killed off."

    "Your father was killed too, wasn't he," murmured Halftail, sympathy glittering in his gaze.

    Birchfoot turned and looked to Halftail, nodding slowly. "Yes, he was. H died saving me from the Empire. He had the same problem with his leg that I did. It didn't stop him, though."'

    "What was his name?" Halftail was aware that he may have been asking too many questions, yet he felt like he still didn't know Birchfoot all that well. Maybe this would bring them closer together.

    "You're not going to believe this, but his name was Deadfoot," replied Birchfoot as he rolled some berries over to Halftail. Halftail stopped them gingerly with a claw, careful not to break them open, before he nudged them onto the discarded pile leaves.

    Halftail had to stop himself from laughing. "Really? It must be an honor to be named after him," he meowed thoughtfully. He hadn't known his father that long, but he would have loved to be named after his Master, who had been more of a father to him than anyone else.

    "It was. I just hope that he knows. I believe that he's watching me from StarBound. I just haven't seen him in my dreams since I left the streets," he confessed as he arched his back in a massive stretch. He parted his jaws in a yawn, exposing sharp dagger-like teeth. "When I was young I wished that I would see more action. Now, I just want it all to stop."

    Halftail strode over to Birchfoot and pressed against him, resting his shoulder on the other side of his flank, trying to calm him. "I know things are hard right now, but they will get better. We just have to have faith."

    "Faith in what," Birchfoot nearly spat.

    Halftail only took a heartbeat to answer. "In ourselves."

    He suddenly heard a knock at the door. He lifted his head from Birchfoot's shoulder and realized it was Bluefeather. "Halftail, may I speak with you," she pleaded, her eyes round and unblinking.

    Halftail nodded. He licked Birchfoot's ear in reassurance. "I'll see you later, okay?"

    Birchfoot waved his tail dismissively. "Okay. Thanks for the help!"

    Halftail was sure that he had been more of a hinderance than a help, but he knew that Birchfoot missed company sometimes, especially when Swifttail was training. "No problem!"

    He bounded after Bluefeather, leaving Birchfoot to finish up. It bothered him that he had to look up to see her because of her size, but he had nearly gotten used to it. Wolves were larger than him. That was just a fact of life. "So what do you need, Bluefeather?"

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