Chapter 39: Jedi Training, Or Something Like That

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    Halftail stood next to Kanan, but he was facing the opposite direction. He was gazing at Ezra, who was standing on his hands, while Halftail was gazing at Swifttail and Keen.

    "Alright, I want Swifttail to stand right there and close your eyes. Keen is going to sneak up on you. I want you to use the force to feel him and pinpoint him," he explained to his son. He then looked to Keen. "Be as quiet as you can and try not to let Swifttail feel you."

    Both nodded before they took their positions. Swifttail sat with his tail curled around his paws calmly. He let out a steadying breath, but his position was tight and almost angry. Swifttail had been like that for a few moons. Halftail hadn't thought anything of it at first. Now, it was beginning to worry him.

Halftail nodded to Keen and he stalked forward, keeping his pawsteps light and gentle on the Ghost's exterior. He didn't dare breathe since Swifttail had incredible hearing without using the force. However, Keen was agile and he was getting better everyday. He crept forward, and once he was close enough, he leaped. He easily plowed into Swifttail and Swifttail fell easily, his muzzle snapping against the ship.

Halftail couldn't believe that Swifttail had been taken down that easily. "Swifttail," he snapped as anger lit in him. "What was that?!"

Swifttail gulped a bit and shook his head. "S-Sorry," he stammered as confusion showed in his eyes. "I just wasn't ready."

Halftail rolled his eyes. "Are you ready now," he asked as his tail tip twitched in impatience. They only had a limited time to train and he wasn't going to have it wasted.

"I am," Swifttail assured as his head nodded vigorously. He positioned himself again and took in a rattling breath. Keen positioned himself again and stalked forward. He spread his wings and he leaped once more.

This time Swifttail turned on him with sharp reflexes. He forced Keen to the ground and threw his leg in a way that Halftail didn't even know was possible. He certainly hadn't taught him that. He attacked Keen with such violence that Halftail didn't recognize him as his own son.

Keen's eyes widened as Swifttail sunk his claws into Keen's shoulder. Terror struck Keen and he turned, kicking his hind legs against Swifttail's underbelly to knock him off. He fell backwards and his claws scratched the surface of the Ghost before he wailed as he fell backwards.

Keen was about to dive forward, ending the fight, but Halftail stretched out a paw and used the force to bring his son back up. He noticed Kanan doing the same thing, so he was relieved that he wasn't the only one having trouble. He set Swifttail down easily, but his son was still panting madly with terror showing in his eyes. He looked up to his father, gulping for air.

"I think that's enough training for now," suggested Halftail as he looked at Keen. He shot him a look that told him that he needed to talk to Swifttail alone.

Keen looked around. "Coming Bluefeather!" He suddenly darted forward and disappeared into the Ghost with just a flash of his blue gray fur.

Swifttail twitched an ear. "I didn't hear Bluefeather calling him."

Halftail drew forward and looked at Swifttail. "We need to talk, in private," he whispered in his son's ear so that Kanan and the rest of the crew on top of the Ghost didn't hear. They didn't need to know that training hadn't gone so well.

Swifttail gulped, but he didn't argue. He dropped down into the Ghost with Halftail following. Halftail led him into his and Kanan's room, locking the door behind him. If Kanan came he'd let him in, but for right now he needed to have a heart to heart with his son.

"Sit," he ordered as he pointed a paw at Swifttail.

Swifttail sat, and once again, curled his tail around his paws. He looked up at his father with a wavering gaze. "Did I do something wrong?"

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