Chapter 96: Fears Rise

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    "Come on, Adlerleaf, you need to take it easy," chided Swifttail as he followed his mate closely, trying to nudge her into a sitting position.

    Adlerleaf rolled her eyes. "Swifttail, I'm not due for a little bit. I have some time and I don't need to just lay down useless," she chided as she kinked her tail over her back.

    Swifttail didn't look happy about it as Halftail waltzed forward, shaking his head as he went. Adlerleaf then leaped in front of him. "Halftail, please tell your son that I'm fine and that I don't need to rest."

    Swifttail then bounded over to his father. "Tell Adlerleaf that she needs to be resting. I want to make sure that our kits are alright."

    Halftail hated being in the middle of this, but he had been the overprotective mate not long ago when Swifttail was born. Bine had nearly been driven nuts. "I see both of your points, but Swifttail you need to allow Adlerleaf to make her own decisions."

    "But, Dad—"

    "No, don't try to argue it. Adlerleaf knows what she can and can't do and she'll let you know. Now, when she's in labor you can call the shots, but not until then," chided Halftail as he licked his son's ear. "Besides, with Bluefeather, Sabine, and Hera gone on their mission we have a little downtime. Maybe you two should use that just to hang out."

    "Fine by me. Race you, Swifttail," exclaimed Adlerleaf as she pelted forward, swaying over her ever enlarging belly.

    Swifttail curled his lip at his father as he bunched his muscles and forced himself to follow her. Halftail watched them go, shaking his head in amusement at them. He and Bine had been the same way not long ago. Unfortunately, those times were over and he couldn't do much about it anymore. But, it was nice to see the two of them acting like that and so deeply in love.


    Halftail turned and dipped his head as Molis plodded forward. "Oh, hey, Molis. What are you doing here?"

    Molis looked at his paws. "Oh, you know, just hanging out." He sat down and began to scratch behind his ear. "But, I was wondering if you heard from Bluefeather?"

    Halftail shook his head. "She's on a covert mission. I doubt that she's going to want to risk any exposure by opening the comms. I'm sure that she's fine, though."

    Molis didn't look convinced in the slightest, but he managed a timid nod. "If you're sure. Can't you reach out with the force or something?"

    "That's not how the force works, at least not for me," he grumbled with his tail tip twitching. "But, if you would like I can try and see what happens. I'm not promising anything."

    Molis opened his mouth to answer when Birchfoot pelted forward, limping as swiftly as he possibly could. He pushed past Molis and Halftail madly. "Move!"

"What's going on? Birchfoot," called Halftail, but the healer wasn't answering. He was already gone.

Halftail and Molis exchanged a glance before they both pelted forward, trying to ignore the pain that they felt claw in each of their guts. They continued forward with Swifttail bounding forward as well and past his father.

They continued through the hallway just as Halftail heard Birchfoot's voice. "I need oxygen and blood. She's lost a lot of blood."

"Lost blood," echoed Halftail before the horror set in. "Bluefeather?! Hera!"

He darted toward the room, but Swifttail came up and blocked his father's path with braced shoulders. "I'm sorry, but you can't go in there right now. We need space. Go and wait and I'll tell you when you can come in."

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