Chapter 41: Just Escaped

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    "Great. Great. Great," repeated Swifttail as he tried to close his eyes, probably wishing that he couldn't see what was right in front of him.

    Halftail stretched out a tail to try and calm his son. "It's alright. We'll make it out."

    Troopers began to fire and they all scattered like scared prey in Halftail's claws. He ducked beside Swifttail and Molis while he was just able to see what was happening. They were cornered and the Inquisitor would be behind them at any heartbeat. Things were not looking too good for them right now.

    Suddenly, Halftail saw the Phantom fly from the sky with strange and large flying creatures with it. Halftail watched them crash on the TIEs and push the troopers.

    "Amazing," breathed Molis as his eyes glowed. "I haven't seen something amazing as that in moons!"

    Halftail purred before he scaled forward as the Phantom landed. He opened the small door and motioned for everyone in. Molis, Zeb, Sabine, and Adlerleaf were first. Swifttail made sure that Keen was in before he finally made it in. Ezra was next with Kanan stumbling as he tried to run with Birchfoot.

    Halftail watched as the Inquisitor threw his lightsaber. Kanan deflected it before the Phantom began to rise above the ground. Halftail leaped and pulled himself in while Kanan jumped beside him. The door closed and it began to fly toward the Ghost.

    Bluefeather and Hera were there to greet them when they came out. She rushed toward Keen and rumbled affectionately. "I was so worried. I knew things weren't going right, but I couldn't imagine that they were that wrong."

    "It's alright," assured Keen as he blushed a bit. "I'm fine. We're all fine."

    Bluefeather smiled before she noticed that there wasn't anyone new on board. "Master Luminara," she mumbled as she tilted her head.

    Kanan shook his head as he set Birchfoot down gingerly. "She's gone. Looks like the kid is stuck with me," he muttered before he strode with Hera toward the cockpit.

    Swifttail then took control of the conversation. "Dad, can I have some help pulling this out of Birchfoot's leg?"

    Halftail nodded before he lowered beside his son. They both gripped the metal piece in their teeth and pulled. Birchfoot groaned and cringed as the piece of metal was finally pulled from his leg. Birchfoot hissed as he looked at the wound with hostility lighting in his eyes. "At least it was my bad leg."

    Swifttail lowered down and began to lap at the wound. It wasn't in his twisted part, so that was good. "It's just a flesh wound. Easy to injure, but easy to heal."

    "Very good assessment," murmured Birchfoot thoughtfully. "That's what I would have said too. It looks like you're learning more from me than you think."

    Swifttail just chuckled as he cleaned the wound, making sure that the only flesh left was clean and the blood had stopped gushing out. Once he was finished, he made a poultice of some shriveled up herbs and even made sure that Birchfoot ate some. His next step was bandaging it up. He didn't have to warn Birchfoot away from using it since he already didn't.

    "Now you are a great example of a healer, Swifttail," assured Birchfoot as he admired his work with bright eyes. He yawned before stretching out. "One day you may have your own crew to be a healer of."

    Swifttail looked at his paws. "I don't know about that, Birchfoot. I like it here and I like being your apprentice," he pointed out.

    Birchfoot's eyes glowed. "I like you being my apprentice too, but good things don't last forever. What makes them special is that it'll all end, do you understand me?"

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