Chapter 31: Help From Above

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    Halftail lifted his head and he realized that he was in a cell with something metal around his neck. He blinked his eyes in surprise and growled a bit as he pulled himself away from the wall. However, the chain didn't extend that far and he couldn't get anywhere near the door. He swore under his breath as his fur spiked.

    Halftail pawed at the metal chain and collar around his neck, but he couldn't dislodge it. "Wolf-scat," he spat as his lip curled.

    He kept pulling for a while longer to no avail. After a while, Halftail gave up and lowered down, his paws covering his scarred muzzle. "I can't do this anymore! I'm so sorry, Bine. I failed. Swifttail is gone and it's all my fault!"

    "No it's not."

    Halftail looked up and gasped as he saw Bine hovering in front of him. Her paw sparkled with stars while her eyes glowed. Beside her were two kits with stars in their fur and their eyes as bright as Bine's.

    Halftail lifted his head. "Bine," he meowed hopefully, and once she nodded her head, he charged forward, choking himself in the process.

    "Easy," chided Bine as she leaped forward, curling around Halftail affectionately. "I'll come to you." She began to groom his matted fur as he lowered down, savoring the feeling of having his mate next to him once again. Two tiny tongues rasped alongside hers as Halftail felt his body relax.

    "I failed you. I failed Swifttail," wailed Halftail as his whole body shook.

    Bine sighed heavily and pressed so close to Halftail that he felt her heartbeat thundering against his flank. He felt reassured and just prayed that she wouldn't move. "You did not fail anyone, Halftail," murmured Bine affectionately. "Swifttail made his own choices and right now he's alright. Don't worry."

    Halftail sighed heavily. "I miss you so much."

    Bine chuckled softly and touched her nose to his cheek. "I miss you too. One day we will be together again, but now is not the time."

    Halftail wanted to be finished with this life. He wanted to be with his mate and kits instead of living in pain everyday. However, he knew that Bine wouldn't allow him to give up. "Bine, why have all this awful things happened to me?"

    "Because you're so strong. You're determined and the galaxy still needs you. I love you so much and you need to be here to watch over your son," purred Bine and it made Halftail's heart sore. Just her voice was enough to make him relax and long to be at her side.

    Halftail's eyes nearly rolled back in his head. "Where's Swifttaill."

    Bine licked his nose and sparkles seemed to glow in her eyes. "Just follow this and it'll lead you right to Swifttail. You two need to be together to look after each other."

    Halftail breathed deeply. "Thank you. I love you so much and I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you and our kits," he apologized.

    "You don't need to apologize," breathed Bine as she stood up with Wildspirit and Sweetsong at her side. "Don't worry about this anymore. We love you. Just take care of Swifttail."

"Take care of our brother," piped up Wildspirit as his eyes shone as he looked to his father.

Halftail stretched out his nose and touched it gingerly to Wildspirit's ear. "I will," he vowed as his heart swelled in love for the son he barely knew. "I promise."

They suddenly all disappeared and Halftail's eyes glinted a bit as they adjusted to the light without Bine's brightness. He sighed heavily as he rose to his paws. The hope to find Swifttail shone bright inside of Halftail, but he still had the problem with the chain around his neck. He had no idea how he was supposed to get out of this.

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