Chapter 61: Attack Against Azmorigan

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    "Empire incoming," announced Kanan as he turned to Halftail. "Can you try and do something?"

    Halftail pushed Swifttail off of him as he meandered over to Kanan. He leaped onto the copilot's seat, but he had no idea what to do. "What do you want me to do? Stand up and tell them that we surrender?"

    Kanan gritted his teeth as he veered sideways as shots came and fired at them. Halftail grabbed the controls on the side and was able to take control of one of the ship's guns. However, to control the major one you had to be back where everyone else was and they weren't there right now. He began firing as best he could while Kanan kept moving the ship so his shots always missed. 

    "Can't you keep it a bit still," complained Halftail as he hissed while trying to concentrate.

    Kanan's eyes widened as he turned to look at Halftail for a second. "I'm sorry that trying to keep you alive is hindering you shooting at something."

    "If I actually got a shot then we wouldn't be trying to keep me alive," he reported as he continued his effort while trying not to curse in every language that he knew.

    Swifttail came from behind, looking sick at seeing them dodge so many TIEs. "I'm not sure if this helps, but there is a planet right there," he meowed as he pointed a paw toward it.

    "That's going to have to be our destination," muttered Kanan as they dove downward.

    Halftail managed to make a single hit with against one of the TIEs and it exploded. He let out a silent cheer before he continued. "One down, a lot more to go."

    Suddenly, he realized that someone was manning the main gun. He purred in sheer delight as they hit another TIE. He turned his head for a heartbeat, but the pig was still too large and was blocking his view. When they were safe, he was going to deflate that pig himself if he had to. He wasn't sure how, but he was sure that he could make her deflate with a couple of claw scratches to the face.

    They entered the planet's atmosphere and Halftail was pleased that whoever was in the back had defeated most of the TIEs. The pig finally decided to deflate and Halftail let out a sigh of relief as Bluefeather darted forward and began to take control of the Ghost. She landed it smoothly and looked over to Kanan.

    "I nearly threw up with your flying," she taunted, amusement glittering in her eyes.

    Kanan stretched out a hand and scratched Bluefeather between the ears. "It's good to have you back, Bluefeather," he murmured with a smile on his face.

    Bluefeather rumbled before she leaped down and rubbed her muzzle between Halftail's shoulders. "You should be glad you didn't have to listen to Lando's yammering. All that nice stuff he's saying to Hera and Sabine is a little nauseating."

    "So that's why Ezra climbed over the pig," meowed Swifttail thoughtfully, striding forward to touch his nose to Adlerleaf's ear affectionately, dodging the pig expertly.

    Birchfoot limped forward, looking up as Kanan opened the hanger door. "Do you think that I could come with you guys and stretch my legs? I feel like I've been on the ship for too long."

    Halftail purred as he touched his nose to Birchfoot's cheek. "Of course! Just stay close to me. I don't trust Lando and I certainly don't need anyone lashing out at you."

    Birchfoot smiled as he limped forward with Halftail helping him with a shoulder against his side. Halftail lowered Birchfoot down into the hanger before he leaped after him. Birchfoot panted as he walked, Halftail pressed against him so that he could lean on him. "Are you sure that you're alright to walk. You don't sound so great."

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