Chapter 91: Precious Rock and Memories

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     Halftail laid on his back with his paws facing the ceiling. He purred, despite himself, like an excited kitten. His eyes were partly closed and he just wished that the peace would last.

    "Hey, give that back!"

    Halftail inwardly groaned as he heard the voice of Keen. He then heard harsh beeping and he sensed that it must be Chopper. He rolled his eyes as he rose to his paws and leaped down, shaking his pelt out. He trekked forward and ducked his head as the door opened. He saw Keen surge forward and nearly push himself from his paws.

    Halftail rolled his eyes. "For StarBound's sake," he grumbled as he stalked forward with his eyes narrowing to slits. He bounded forward and saw that Keen was flapping his wings madly over Chopper's frame. He hovered over Chopper and beat his paws against his dome. "Give it back," snapped Keen as he tried to snap his jaws against one of Chopper's mechanical arms.

    "What is going on," snapped Halftail as he stalked forward and lashed his tail.

    Keen looked over at Halftail and his eyes hardened. "Tell Chopper to give it back," he demanded as he flapped downward and landed. He snarled in Chopper's direction. Chopper beeped as if he didn't do anything wrong.

    Halftail rolled his eyes as he stalked forward. He stopped beside Chopper and glared at the droid. "What did you do to tick of Keen? I don't think that I've ever seen him so aggravated," he murmured as he kinked his half tail over his back.

    Chopper beeped madly, but Halftail couldn't make it out. It just resulted in giving him a headache. "Okay. Okay. Calm down, both of you," he snarled as he clenched his jaw. It seemed like the shenanigans never ended. "Now what seems to be the problem and tell me in a nice and calm way?

    Keen let out a deep breath, shoulders slumping. "Chopper took something very important to me. Tell him to give it back," he yelped in almost a whimper.

    Halftail knew that it had to be something important. Keen didn't act like this often. There had to be a legit reason. "May I ask what he took?"

    Keen bit his lip until a small bead of blood dripped from it. His head hung and paws shuffled. "He took a rock."

    "A rock," echoed Halftail as he raised a paw and pressed it against the corner of his eye. "Okay. I'm guessing that this rock is important?"

    Keen's eyes hardened as he worked his claws against the ground in absolute agitation. "It's very important," whimpered Keen as he jumped against for Chopper's mechanical arm.

    Chopper beeped and his dome spun as he continued to pull it away from Keen. A wail rose in Keen's throat as he surged forward and pushed his paws against Chopper's body. The droid fell backwards with a thud. Halftail rolled his eyes a he rushed forward. He thrust his paw against Chopper's mechanical arm to hold it down. His head snapped down and his mouth picked up the rock with his teeth. He helped Chopper up in the aftermath before he strode forward and dropped the rock at Keen's paws.

    It was very beautiful, for a rock. There wasn't much actually to it but it was smooth and light gray. It was in the shape of a curved claw and the tip was almost black. Halftail knew that it had to have some meaning for Keen.

    "There you go," breathed Halftail as he watched Keen pick up the rock with his wings. He tucked it on his back and he sighed in relief.

    Keen bared his teeth other at Chopper. "Just leave me alone and never take it again," roared Keen as he turned and darted away from Chopper.

    Halftail narrowed his eyes as he glared at Chopper. "Are you happy about this?"

    Chopper made some sad beeps as if he understood what he had done was wrong. Halftail turned and strode away from the group with his shoulders tensing as he walked. He ducked back into the living room and saw Ezra sitting and talking to Kanan and Swifttail. Halftail strode over to them and dipped his head slightly to them.

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