Chapter 57: Past, Present, and Future

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    It wasn't long before they made it to a large almost mountain. Halftail recognized it instantly. Numerous Jedi came there to meditate and to find their crystal for their lightsabers. His had been on Hoth, but there were numerous places one could go all over different planets. This was just one of the remaining ones on Lothal.

Keen's eyes widened in awe. "How are we supposed to get in?" He reared on his hind legs. "From the top?"

Halftail chuckled as he nudged Keen's shoulder. "We're going to have to use the force to get in," he replied as he looked up to Kanan. "On your cue."

Kanan and Ezra raised their hands first. Halftail, Swifttail, and Keen were next. They used the force to move the large stone in front of the massive structure. Once they have moved the stone fully, Keen darted toward. "This place is huge," exclaimed Keen as he squeezed into a small crack that led right into the cavern.

Halftail purred in amusement as he strode forward and looked around as well. Keen darted past him before he collided with a spike sticking out of the ground. He took a step back and shook his head to clear it. "There are so many stalagmites and stalactites here," he assessed.

Swifttail stepped forward and blew dust from between Keen's ears. "Probably trying to keep you away," he meowed before he narrowed his eyes as they struggled to adjust. "It is hard to see in here."

Keen turned to look at Halftail. "What are we doing here? It's kind of creepy," he whimpered as Ezra and Kanan passed him. He jumped after them, not wanting to be left behind.

"Don't worry," assured Kanan as he looked around. "Just use the force to get your way through."

Keen stood erect with his chest puffed out in pride as he waltzed forward. Swifttail followed him while Halftail brought up the rear. He always felt the safest at the back.

Ezra suddenly let out a scream and a few of the spikes from the ceiling fell. One landed right in front of Keen. He stumbled into it with Swifttail falling into his haunches. The two fell backwards and turned unpleased eyes to Ezra.

Kanan did the same while Halftail just seemed scared out of his fur at the sudden outburst. Ezra smiled timidly once he realized he was just yelling at a stature. "Oops. I thought it was something worse."

"Like a statue has ever killed anyone," muttered Swifttail as he rose to his paws and skirted forward on swift and agile paws.

They didn't make it far before Kanan looked at the group. "Here is where we must split up."

"Split up," echoed Keen in surprise as he peered around with wide eyes. "I-I don't think that's such a good idea, Kanan. What if one of us gets lost."

Kanan smiled at he kneeled to rest a hand on Keen's shoulder. "Then use the force to find your way."

Keen didn't seem convinced as Halftail nudged his haunch. "You'll be fine, Keen. Just decide which path you want to take and may Starbound bless your path."

"O-Okay, Halftail," stammered Keen as he pretended to look confident. His eyes traveled to a small cavern a tail-length away. He bunched his muscles as he darted into it, his blue pelt disappearing into the darkness.

Swifttail's eyes shone as he picked a path a bit higher up. He leaped on some rocks and send the grit showering down on Halftail's head. Halftail shook the grit from his fur, but when he looked back up, Swifttail was already gone.

Halftail chose a path that it seemed most might have missed. It was hidden behind two rocks and the ceiling was so low that he would have to duck to get through. He would fit, but it would be a tight squeeze. He looked once over his shoulder at Kanan before he sucked in a breath and strode forward.

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